Chapter 6: Errormania Pt. 1

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It was just a normal day in the void for Error. Blue had taken Y/n to the pacifist AU so that Error could relax for a little. As much as the black and red skeleton loved the kid, he needed a break once in a while. There are only so many Disney movies and constant questions that he can take.

Right now, he was just sitting on his beanbag chair watching Undernovella. Chocolate in hand. Drink in another. Portal sounds in the background. Comfy chai- wait what?

Error sat up and looked behind him. Within close proximity, many portals opened. All seemed to have a glitch effect surrounding the rim of the portals. Each spat out a skeleton before closing again. The hell was happening?

Every figure that had fallen into the void sat up. One thing was for sure. Each was an Error variant. It reminded our Error of the Spiderman meme when he visited the human world.

"What are you doing in my void you disgusting enigmas?" Error spoke with venom as he stared down the Errors before him.

"ERROR!! THERE YOU ARE! YOU LEFT ME IN THE VOID!" Blueberror exclaimed as he stood from the floor.

Our Error looked at him with pity, "I'm not your Error. So don't treat me as though I was your friend. Leave."

A large black tendril that seem to have glitching particle grabbed Error and squeezed him tightly. "Who says we need to listen to you? We outnumber you. Face-"

"Not cool bro! No fighting in my Christian Minecraft server!" Shouted out an Error that looked like Fresh as he sprayed a can of paint into Nightmare Error's eyes.

"GRAH!-" Yelped the nightmare variant of Error as he tried to shield his eyes.






All Errors sat in a circle. None had figured out the reason behind suddenly falling into our Error's anti-void. "Alright. Let's establish our AU names. So we don't get confused."

Regular Error = Error

Empire Error = Pire

Geno = Geno

Errorswap = Berror

Merman Error = Mer

Human Error = Eric

DreamError = Lucid

Errorfell = Angst

Nightmare Error = Corruption

Gaster Error = Hole puncher

Fresh Error = Rave

Error Ink = Digital

Cat Error = Cat

Outer Error = Nova

Bitty Error = Bitty

Jellyfish Error = Jelly

Mafia Error = Maf

Rave suddenly raised his hand, "Yo! Why you got so much kid stuff with you bro?" This caught the attention of the other Errors. Upon inspection, a crib could be seen. Many books lay on the floor beside a short-legged table with Disney movies beside the TV. "Meow."

Error sighed as he crossed his arms, "I illegally adopted a kid four months ago. His name is Y/n."

The news seemed to surprise everyone. "You adopted some snot-nosed brat? The hell happened to being a heartless destroyer?" Maf questioned as he blew smoke out from his cigar.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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