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Why'd I do that? I wasn't supposed to blow up. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I didn't mean to hurt Kirishima. A knock rang on my door, scaring me from my spiral. "Hey Kachaan! Can I come in?" I rush to the door, opening it and falling into Deku's chest. "I'm not a bad person, I promise." He brushed at me head, "I know. It's okay, Kachaan. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone." We walked into my room, still hugging. "Is Kirishima okay? I didn't mean to hurt him." He pulled away from me, "He's doing okay. I know you didn't mean to." He sat down on the bed pulling me with him and laying us both down. "I don't want to be so angry. I don't want to hurt people. It just become so much and I explode." Deku pressed a kiss to my head. "It's not your fault, I swear. Everyone knows you didn't mean to. No one's mad at you." The cuddles continued until we both fell asleep cuddled together. *Time Skip* Walking into class I quickly looked away when I saw Kirishima, bandages  on his face. "Hey Bakubro!" I look at him, eyes wide. "H-hey?" I walked to my seat and he came over. "I'm sorry for scaring you the other day, bro. I shouldn't have done that." I look at him confused. "I shouldn't have blown up. It's my fault, sorry." He shook his head, "I knew I shouldn't have scared you. That was on me, bro."

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