16. Ugly

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"No please" Anvi whined. Anvi was already through her first trimester. She had completely stopped working. Her morning sickness was worst than she ever imagined. She was sick the whole day. She was still waiting for the so-called "Pregnancy glow". According to her, she looked like an "Ugly Pig" and soon turn into a "Hippo". Although she loved chicken before pregnancy, now she hated any kind of non-veg food. In fact, she hated any kind of food. She felt nauseous as soon as she smelled food.

"Anvi, I know this is hard but you need to eat. You will fall sick if you don't." Sita tried to reason with her while nudging Anvi's lips with a spoon full of rice. Anvi's whole body went rigid. She gagged a couple of times while she ran toward the washroom. Sita placed the food bowl on the table and sighed heavily. This was getting out of hand.

"Sita, I really need to rest. I am going to my room" Anvi came into the living room. Her lips were dry and chipped. She dragged herself to her room and carefully laid down on her bed. It was almost noon. She was very hungry but she kept throwing up all the food she managed to put through her stomach.

"Sweety" Anvi felt a soft touch on her cheeks. A healing sigh escaped her lips. She opened her eyes to see a worried Rudra with a covered bowl.

"What is the time?" She asked in a meek voice.

"It's eight. I got you dinner" He tried to beam but failed. He helped her sit up straight on the bed and adjusted some pillows behind her back to make her comfortable.

"Common baby, here, have some plain rice." Rudra urged her with a spoonful of plain white rice. Anvi ate the whole bowl of plain rice like an obedient child.

"Do you want to try some boiled dal next?" Rudra asked with hopeful eyes. Anvi just nodded. Rudra swiftly went out of the room with an empty bowl. As soon as he was out of the room, Anvi's eyes brimmed with tears. She felt terrible for her husband. He was trying so hard. He was already burdened with his studies and now he is worried dead for her. If only her pregnancy was as easy as that of Sita.

Rudra came inside with a covered bowl again. He smiled at her and carefully sat beside her. He gently removed the plate covering the bowl. The whole room smelled of the delicious fragrance of boiled dal with ghee but this very smell twisted Anvi's gut. She was trying very hard to control the nausea. Rudra's face looked very peaceful. Maybe he was relieved that Anvi was eating properly. Anvi did not want to trouble him, but she could not help it. She gagged once before throwing up all over herself and the bed. She did not have time to run to the bathroom.

Her eyes were fixed on the bed. She did not have the courage or the will to look into Rudra's disappointed face. She wanted to get up as she was literally sitting in the pool of her own vomit but she felt too tired to do so. Maybe her mother was right. She should go to her house. This way at least Rudra and Sita will find some peace Her eyes stung with tears. She blinked rapidly to prevent them from spilling out.

"Little one, I am going to lift you. Okay?" She heard Rudra. He was ever so gentle with her nowadays. Before she could protest, she was already in mid-air, in Rudra's arms. He walked towards the bathroom. He gently placed Anvi on her feet under the shower.

"Baby, you take a warm shower, meanwhile I will change the sheets." He cupped her face. "Keep the door open," He said as he walked out of the bathroom. Anvi felt pathetic. She removed her clothes and started the shower. Her tears were running down her cheeks. The water helped to wash them off. Her hands ran over her swollen belly. She remembered her mother telling her that she looked six months pregnant when she was only three months pregnant. Her mother said to her that it is different for every woman. What made her worry was Rudra.

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