Lezione 39-What are you doing?

Start from the beginning



How to transform verbs into their '-ndo' form

With -ndo, I mean how the verbs end when using the gerund (-ing form).

Take 'facendo' (doing), for example, or 'studiando' (studying). The -ndo corresponds to the English -ing in this case.

With -are verbs, simply remove the final -re and add -ndo:

Parlare=parla+ndo= parlando (speaking/talking)

Arrivare=arriva=ndo= arrivando (arriving/coming)

Andare= anda+ndo= andando (going)

Studiare=studia+ndo= studiando (studying)

'Fare' is an exception: facendo (doing). This verb took the 'c' from 'faccio' to make it a more difficult verb to memorize :/

With -ere verbs, simply remove the last -re and add -ndo:

Leggere=legge+ndo=leggendo (reading)

Mettere= mette+ndo= mettendo (putting)

RiFLEttere= riflette+ndo= riflettendo (reflecting on)

Finally, the -ire verbs take -endo as their endings, just like -ere verbs:

Dormire= dorme+ndo= dormendo (sleeping)

Sentire= sente+ndo= sentendo (feeling/hearing)

Mentire= mente+ndo= mentendo (lying)

Notice how, when I break down those verbs, you're left with the third person singular plus '-ndo'? Like parlare= parla (he/she speaks)+ndo=parlando.

How to make the '-ndo' form

Firstly, it's just the author who likes to refer to this form as the -ndo form for convenience, nothing more.

Secondly, making the -ndo form is easy.

As I said, conjugate 'stare' then add the -ndo verb:

I am talking= Sto parlando.

You are sleeping= Stai dormendo.

Is he reading?= Sta leggendo?


Place 'non' before 'stare':

We are not listening= Non stiamo ascoltando.

You are not doing anything (pl.)= Non state facendo niente/nulla.

They are not lying= Non stanno mentendo. (Difference: Non MENtono-they don't lie)




Use the appropriate '-ndo' form of the following verbs. Check your answers by using the site, http://www.italian-verbs.com/. When you get there, type the selected verb in the 'CONiuga' box. Then, scroll down to 'gerundio' and use the first word you see, obviously ending with '-ndo'. Make sure you translate by using a dictionary or google translate (preferably the first one).

Example: Fare. Risposta: Facendo. Doing.

1. Sgridare-

2. Urlare

3. Leggere-

4. Finire-

5. Partire-

2) Conjugate 'stare' according to the person given.

Example: Fare (io).Risposta: Sto facendo. (Check for answers below)

1. Andare (lui/lei)-

2. Capire (noi)-

3. Scrivere (tu)-

4. Aprire (loro)-

5. Venire (voi)-



1. Sta andando

2. Stiamo capendo

3. Stai scrivendo

4. Stanno aprendo.

5. State venendo.

How many out of ten? 11? Hahahaha =D

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