Chapter Two

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It was the next day and my father had woken us up all at the crack of dawn. He said to put on our best gowns and suites for church which meant he was going to see if he could become a pastor here. I quickly got ready since I was able to have the bathroom first. I put my undergarments on first, then the dress with a corset of course. Next I do my hair up nice and neatly before doing my makeup for the day and finally putting on my jewelry. I chose a pair of neutral heels to match my dress before walking downstairs and getting an apple for breakfast.

"Good morning honey! You must be on your best behavior today alright? Your father has worked hard to even be able to have the chance to be a pastor at this church and we don't need any of you kids messing it up. Now for breakfast, Elizabeth you cannot continue to eat such small portions. you need to look good for your future husband not like you're dying." My mother said as she was rushing around the kitchen to get breakfast ready for everyone else. 

"Well Mother, you know in the morning I never have much of an appetite. For lunch and dinner though I feel like I eat too much if anything." I say while taking another bite out of my apple. 

"Alright everyone, let's gooo! Breakfast is ready and we have to leave soon."

"Mother, you do know Evelyn will most likely need help with her hair right?"

"Oh be a dear Lizzy and go help her. Shes probably crying in the bathroom at the moment."

"Alright but she'll probably also be having an apple for breakfast since it might be awhile." I said while getting up and heading up the stairs. I passed my brother and father on the way talking about schooling for us children. I didn't mind school but I also didn't need it. I was very smart on my own but yet my parents still think it's necessary. 

I walked up and down to the bathroom and found Evelyn messing around with her hair frustratedly. I got a stool and sat her down quickly fixing her hair.

"Thank you Lizzy. I don't know what I was gonna do. I thought about doing a braid or just leaving it done or doing what you did and I just couldn't decide. Doing the same thing that you and mother did though looks good." She said making sure everything else looked nice.

"I mean what are big sisters for right? Now if you meet any boys there, tell me about them and show me who they look like so I can approve them. I don't want you growing up the way I did alright. Now we have to go so finish up and grab an apple on your way out for breakfast. I already had a talk with mother so don't worry about being nagged." I said while walking out.

"Thank you so much Lizzy. I am so glad you're in my life." Evelyn said while hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back before shooing her off to get her shoes on. I walked down as father was just about to call us. I smiled at him and told him that Evelyn would be right down. Once Evelyn was ready we walked out and hopped into the carriage waiting for us. The ride was very bumpy and annoying but we finally made it to the church. We were fairly early I assumed as father was introducing us to the other pastor he would be working along with. I smiled and curtsied as a greeting to the old man. He bowed in return as a greeting before leading us into our seats. The pastor took father away to get him ready for the ceremony. My mother and I talked a lot as people started to come in. I was certainly only looking for the boys I talked to last night but my mother was trying to find me a future husband. I didn't want to get married now and she knew that but she still pushes me to look.

Evelyn and Evan were busy talking about god knows what just before the ceremony started. The church was full to the brim with people even standing cause all the seats were taken. Once the ceremony started everyone quieted down and the pastor introduced my father to everyone. Some people didn't really mind, others were not happy. The ceremony didn't take too long in my opinion. Evelyn and Evan though were bored out of their minds. 

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