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Months had flown by. San and Wooyoung learnt to work around their differences and maintained a loving relationship. Yunho and Mingi on the other hand had broken up making it difficult for the entire friend group.

"Mingi, please. Just come and sit with us. We graduate in a week!" Seonghwa tried pulling him to the lunch table everyone was seated at, including Yunho.

"Not when he's right there!" Mingi pointed out at Yunho who shrank in size. "Stop it! I don't want our friendship ruined because of you two!" San pushes him by the shoulders, forcibly.

Mingi huffs, finally giving up. "So what are y'alls plans for graduation?" Hongjoong chimes in and Wooyoung turned to look at San with heart eyes. "Spending it with the love of my life." He breathes, looking almost intoxicated.

"Ah, here we go again with the cringy couple shit!" Mingi exclaims. "Hey! We put up with you two all the time, remember?" San came to Wooyoung's defence. Wooyoung blushed looking at his man defending him.

"What are you looking at?" Mingi jabs at Yunho who was caught glancing at him. "Stop attacking my babie!" Wooyoung wrapped a protective hand around Yunho who seemed to lean in to his touch.

"Mingi, stop acting like a fucking child and get your shit together. Talk shit out and make things a bit easier for us." Hongjoong said for the hundredth time.

Mingi took a deep breath, his anger issues weren't doing him any good. "Okay, let's keep it civil from now on. He exists. I exist. That's all." He tries to convince himself it's better to let go.

"Good. I am liking the progress." Hongjoong pats him on the back.

No one could really say much when they broke up. The breakup was nasty but none of them could choose a side. They thought both had their share of issues.

It was like San and Wooyoung's previous relationship all over again but this was a bit different, these two never talked about it till it all piled up and finally blew up in their faces.

"Baby, come here." Seonghwa pulls Hongjoong to his lap and cradles him. Yunho looked at them, the memories flooding him.

Maybe he wasn't meant to have such happiness in his life. He doesn't deserve Mingi at all, is what he had been thinking.

Meanwhile, Seonghwa's relationship with Hongjoong was the healthiest one he has ever had. They communicated better and resolved issues as they came.


"Sannie~" Wooyoung clings onto San's arms. "Yes, princess." San looks at Wooyoung who was resting on his chest.

The day of the graduation had arrived. It seemed like yesterday when Wooyoung landed in Korea. "We need to get up. We will be late for the ceremony." Wooyoung mumbles but doesn't move a bit. "Hmm." San hummed as he stroked Wooyoung's hair.

"I am telling you. We need to get up...." He mumbled again while burying his head into San's shoulder. He left a trail of hot wet kisses making San shudder at the contact. Goosebumps littered San's body when Wooyoung moved from his shoulder to his neck and to his jawline.

He suckled hard, leaving harsh bluish-red marks all over. San didn't mind when Wooyoung took some control, Wooyoung was a power bottom after all. And San loved that--

"Wooyoung, everyone's gonna see the marks you leave." San says knowing what Wooyoung was gonna say, "Let them see. Let them know that you're my man."

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