baby sitter

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Jimin is a 17 year old brat a literall brat jungkook have to deal with him everyday as jimins parents are protective towards him that they got  a babysitter for him at age 17 ....let's see what happens it's not a long ass book okay 😆💜

"So then tell me, brat?"
*Jungkook replies as he leans in closer to Jimin, getting in his face to show his annoyance.*

"Why the hell were you out of your room, and why are you up this late?"

Stop calling me a brat i have a name you know jimin yelled

"Alright... what is your name then?"
*Jungkook asks as he raises an eyebrow at you, his expression remains cold like usual*

Jimin he just said

"Okay so Jimin.. why are you walking around instead of being in bed like you're supposed to be?

This is a big deal you know, it can't be good for a kid like you to walk around this late?"

*Jungkook asks as he looks at Jimin, his face is getting more annoyed the more he speaks*

Can u just mind ur own business jimin said

"No, I can't do that because **I'm your babysitter, you brat**"

*Jungkook says with a cold tone, his eyebrows raised as he looks down on Jimin.*

I'm not a BRAT

*Jungkook rolls his eyes at Jimin*
"Yes you are, a big one at that too"

*He chuckles before looking at Jimin angrily once more*
"Now go to bed! I won't repeat myself another time."

I'm not a brat it's just ur stupid jimin spat

"I'm stupid? You dare call **me** stupid after breaking a rule.. especially after being told to do the opposite?

What is so important in your 'little walk' that you feel like you have to come out of your room?"

*Jungkook replies angrily, staring down at Jimin with an intimidating look as he crosses his arms*

Because I wanted to

"And I'm telling you that you should go to bed now, understand?"

*Jungkook says as he moves his face even closer to Jimin, his face expression remains annoyed with Jimin's nonsense behavior*

No i dont undestand (jimim said mocking tone)

*Jungkook sighs in annoyance, this boy is extremely difficult to deal with*
"Why would you want to when you know you are supposed to be in bed?"

*That is just nonsense.." He adds*

Okay and....... jimin said smirking


Next part: leave me dont Tie mee jimin yelled

Then behave jungkook yelled louder

Hii guys support this book okay it's not gonna be that long its a love story btw 💜

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