Chapter 1

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Marshall Lee's POV--

Me and Gumball were walking down the hallway when someone pushed him into one of the dull grey lockers. "Hey!" I yelled at the guy. I turned noticing our new school bully. He started yesterday. I think his name was Flame.

I helped Prince up before turning fully to the person, who was laughing with his friends. "Hey!" Him and his friends turned to me. He just smirked. "Why did you push down my friend?"

"Awe is the emo faggot looking out for his boyfriend." I went to punch him when Gumball grabbed my arm. He yanked me down and whispered in my ear.

"Leave it. You can get him later." I looked at him and nodded. I threw my arm over his shoulder and walked away. No one should hurt my Prince. He's perfect. He grabbed my hand as we continued walking.

I looked back for a second to see Flame glaring at us. I sighed facing forward thinking, 'I will make him pay for hurting my Gumball.' I leaned down a bit and kissed his forehead.

"What was that for?" he whispered as we sat down in the back of the class, waiting for it to start.

"You hit your head didn't you? Plus can't I just kiss you without out there being a reason?" I smirked at the small blush coming over his face.

"Yeah you can, but I was just surprised." I kissed his temple before the teacher walked in starting class. Not paying attention to class, as usual, I ran my thumb along Prince's jawline.

I kissed his cheek, temple, even the pink hair on top of his head. I saw the teacher glaring at us every once in a while. I knew all the teachers didn't like us being together all the time, and many times tried to change the classes we had away from each other.

They just underestimate the skills of my Gummy. He always hacks into the school and changes our schedules so we have every class together. If he didn't do this he could be in college right now.

He refuses to leave me though. The teachers are stupid to think I won't take advantage of that.


If someone thought I forgot that I was mad at the new kid, they thought wrong. Me and Prince right now are trying to find where he lives, by him hacking into the school files. Once he was in I knew exactly where he lived.

He lived down the street from our apartment complex. We now stood outside his house. It was quite fancy. I hated it. "Marshall don't kill him. We don't need the cops pointed at people from our school as suspects for the recent killings." He kissed my cheek. "Don't need us getting caught now do we?"

"Will I get a prize if I don't kill him?" I asked looking at Flame's bedroom window.

"You get to stay out of jail." I looked down at him. "Also if you don't I'll give you a nice massage when we get back home." He whispered leaning up and kissing my neck.

"I would like that." I kissed him deeply before saying, "Play watch out for me." He nodded as I walked up to the tree hanging outside Flame's window. I climbed it like an expert and slowly slid his window open.

I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head and slipped in. I walked over to his bed quietly. I straddled his body and as he started to stir I put one hand over his mouth. His eyes snapped opened.

I deepened my voice demonically low. "You think you can be all big and bad. Well let's see how big you will be with a little scar." I took my lighter out and showed it to him.

"Let's see how cool you'll be now." I lit it and held it up to his face. He was crying now, I saw pain in his eyes as his face became burned. When I was done I punched him in the head to make him fall asleep.

After that I easily slipped out his room, closed his window, and went to Gumball as he waited for me. "Can I have my massage now?"

"Did you kill him?" He asked as we began walking with my arm wrapped around him. I shook my head. "Then yes. You do." I smiled.

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