Chapter 3

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Archaic Smile

"My Lady, are you injuried? If so, there's a first aid kit conveniently placed at your feet."

"Thank you..."

The man behind the wheel was a middle-aged servant whom Mary knew well. Instead of his usual tailcoat, he wore casual clothing, almost as if he were in disguise.

"Lady Francis will be fine. She's renowned as the strongest mage in the Pulcherrima family. Unless an Arcana user were to emerge, she would not be easily defeated."

"Arcana user..."

It referred to those who possessed the ability to wield powers one level above ordinary magic, known as the secret technique arcana. It was said that only those chosen by the gods, among the masters of magic, could obtain this power. However, the exact means of acquiring it remained unclear. One thing was certain though, there were twenty different types of arcana.

Undoubtedly, Francis was one of the strongest mages, but the odds were stacked against her.

"There are only twenty individuals in the world who possess it. Several members of the kingdom army who do, have yet to take any action, and the Slaver family officially has no members with such power. Please rest assured, My Lady."

"You're right. I believe so too."

That was all Mary could say. Yet, an unsettling premonition continued to stir in her heart. In an attempt to calm herself, she gazed out the window at the passing scenery.

As the car passed through an area lined with towering buildings and noble mansions, the landscape suddenly transformed into a dilapidated neighborhood. The clear distinction between the haves and the have-nots was a common sight, both in the Slaver territory and the Orvis Kingdom.

Mary considered herself a failure. However, as a princess by birth, she felt she had no right to be affected by such disparities—she lowered her gaze.

Lost in her thoughts, they left the "commoner district" behind and ventured onto a road flanked by dense forests. The streetlights became scarce, and darkness swiftly enveloped their surroundings.

"Where are we heading?"

"We are leaving the country."

"Abroad?! Can we really escape so easily?" Mary's voice trembled with uncertainty.

"Yes, Lady Francis has made all the necessary arrangements."

When did my sister foresee this turn of events? And if she knew, why didn't she tell me? Could it be because of the conflict with our father?

Perhaps Francis deliberately kept Mary in the dark in order to prevent her from dwelling on unnecessary thoughts. There were too many things that Mary didn't understand. But for now, she had to focus on escaping, or her life would be at risk.


They embarked on a seemingly endless journey in the car, enduring three hours of travel along a road that stretched far beyond the city limits. Occasionally, they braved unpaved paths, far from the comforts of a smooth ride.

Mary nibbled on the firm bread provided and took sips of water, her gaze fixated on the scenery outside.

The sky hung ominously, cloaked in dark clouds, and the land appeared arid and parched. A haunting sight of withered trees lined the surroundings, and in the distance, smoke billowed from the ground.

"That's the Valley of Death," the servant remarked.

"Hmm? Ah, I've heard of it. It used to be a place where fallen soldiers' bodies were discarded off the cliffs."

"Nowadays, they say it's where they dispose of the corpses of the destitute who can't afford proper burials," the servant added.

"Is that so..." Mary's voice tinged with curiosity and unease.

"Due to the gas emanating from the underground, the accumulated bodies gradually turn to ashes. That's the reason for the smoke," the servant explained.

"Even though the gas is causing the land to perish... It almost feels as if the grievances of the departed have seeped into the ground," Mary contemplated, a shiver running down her spine.

"That's why it's called the Valley of Death. For the people who reside here, it serves as a sort of prayer," the servant elaborated. "A prayer, asking the god of death to guide the souls of the departed to the afterlife."

As Mary stared intently, she felt herself being drawn into the depths of the valley. Sensing a growing unease, she quickly redirected her gaze ahead.

The road, though rough, remained paved as it gently curved onward. Once they passed through this place, they would be within a short distance of the border.

If I can successfully escape this country and reunite with my sister, then... what lies ahead? Can two princesses lead peaceful lives, free from the entanglements of politics?

The future remained uncertain, and anxiety continued to linger. Yet, Mary found solace in the presence of Francis, which allowed her to maintain a semblance of calm. She held steadfast in her belief that Francis would come to retrieve her, her conviction unyielding. To doubt it, even for a fleeting moment, would upset the delicate balance within her.

"Speaking of which, what about the other servants? Were you the only one given orders by my sister?" Mary inquired.




"Excuse me?"

In that instant, the engine roared to life, and the car surged forward with a sudden burst of acceleration. Startled, Mary let out a cry, her grip tightening on the front seat as she held on for dear life. The servant pressed harder on the accelerator, propelling the car with increasing speed.

"What's happening all of a sudden?! Are we being pursued?!" Mary questioned, her voice filled with panic as she peered into the front seat.

Just then, the car jolted as the tires crushed a stone on the ground. The servant's head slipped, rolling to the side of the seat, leaving his wide-open eyes staring at Mary, devoid of any emotion.

"Oh... N-no... Aaaaaaaaahh!!" Mary's scream echoed through the air as she instinctively recoiled, pushing herself against the backrest in an attempt to distance herself from the severed head.

The cut was clean, and blood began to trickle, oozing out in a thick, crimson flow. The lifeless body of the servant, foot still pressed firmly on the accelerator, remained motionless.

"What... Wh-why is this happening... Help... Help me, Sister!!" Mary's desperate cries fell on deaf ears, unheard by anyone.

Relentless in its acceleration, the car veered off the road and collided head-on with a tree. The emaciated tree stood no chance against the car's momentum.

"Aah! Ugh! Nooo!"

The bumper crumpled, the front windshield cracked, yet the tires continued to spin. With each impact, the car violently shook, the seatbelt preventing Mary from being thrown about, but her body collided with various surfaces, eliciting agonized groans.

After toppling around five trees, the car finally came to a stop. A whooshing sound accompanied smoke rising from the hood.

"Ha... haa... hahi... f-fire..." Mary stammered, her voice trembling.

It didn't take long for flames to engulf the car. With teary eyes and trembling hands, Mary struggled to unbuckle her seatbelt, making a few failed attempts. Determined, she finally managed to free herself and crawled out of the car, hastily distancing herself from it.

The fire rapidly consumed the vehicle, its flames spreading like a rampant inferno. The delicate mechanism of the magic car fell prey to the relentless blaze. And then...

BOOM! It exploded, unleashing a deafening blast.

"Aaaahhh! Ouch! Ughhh...!" Mary was forcefully propelled by the blast, tumbling and diving onto the ground.

While her knees suffered scrapes, by some stroke of luck, none of the scattered debris struck her directly.

For a brief moment, Mary remained on all fours, her gaze fixed on the ground as she struggled to regain her breath. Sobbing, she released a mixture of sweat and tears, letting them fall onto the earth beneath her.

Her mind swirled in chaos, unable to fully comprehend the gravity of the situation nor fathom what lay ahead. Yet, she mustered the strength to rise to her feet and face ahead.

"Well hello there," and there, standing before her, was a man.

He towered over her, tall and lean, with well-defined muscles, and shockingly pink hair. His face bore intricate tattoos and numerous piercings, but above all, his eyes; they conveyed a sense of complete madness.

Mary sensed it instinctively. "Was it you? Did you do this?"

The man grinned, curling up the corners of his mouth in a twisted manner. "Oh, indeed, little miss. I'm the one responsible."

"Why on earth?!"

"I could pretend it was for the greater good of this wretched world, but the truth is, I was hired to carry out the task. I'm an assassin. And..." His face contorted, his cheeks creasing. "...An Arcana user."

In that moment, Mary sensed a peculiar sensation, as if the surrounding landscape warped and distorted before her very eyes.


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