Chapter 1

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Prologue: Cries Begin as You Depart

Precious Things Slipping Through my Fingers

Mary Pulcherrima was an irredeemable failure as a princess.

She belonged to the royal family of the Orvis Kingdom, as the second daughter of the Pulcherrima lineage renowned for their exceptional mages. In this world, mages were individuals who tapped into the mana—the energy within the human body—to manipulate the elements of fire, water, wind, and earth.

Despite hailing from a family of accomplished mages, Mary, unfortunately, lacked even a trace of such innate talent.

I'm hollow, a princess of no worth, a complete failure devoid of any magical aptitude.

Beneath the surface, Mary's parents maintained a facade of affection, yet they had become increasingly distant as of late. Her brother didn't hold her in high regard either.

The sole constant support in her life came from her sister, Francis. However, amidst the icy glares and rumors questioning her royal lineage, Mary had spent sixteen years without being able to foster a positive outlook, despite her sister's unwavering support. Hence, when talks of an arranged marriage with Romeo Slaver, the heir of the Slaver Ducal House, arose, she promptly agreed.

The Duke's influence within the kingdom is on the rise, there are even whispers of potential independence. If I can conduct myself with grace in this situation, I'll earn my father's recognition and prove my value. That's why I must make today's party an absolute success.

Her own feelings carried no weight in the matter. She had never harbored affection for anyone in particular, and Romeo himself wasn't a bad person. But the relationship between the Pulcherrima and Slaver families could hardly be described as amicable. Mary thought that their parents probably had made secret agreements behind closed doors, driven by their shared interests.

The talks of their engagement proceeded without a hitch, leading up to the grand party where "Marry the fiancée" would be officially unveiled. The stage took place at the heart of Captis, the city that served as the hub of the Slaver Duke's domain, within a mansion adorned with resplendent chandeliers.

Drifting gracefully in her vibrant gown, Mary danced with Romeo in the grand hall.

"Princess Mary, there's no need to be so nervous. Just entrust yourself to me," Romeo whispered softly.

"It's not as simple as that," she replied.

"Even if the fiancé is satisfied?"

"I cannot consider my duty fulfilled if I fail to please the guests."

"It seems that enjoying the party is the least of your concerns."

"Do you view me as a troublesome woman?"

"No, you're the woman who will become my wife. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Mary was a princess, albeit a failure. In terms of social status, she held a superior position, but the person named Romeo seemed to exude an abundance of self-confidence.

However, his personality wasn't important in the moment. Mary was the center of attention, the protagonist of the evening. She couldn't afford to let her guard down for even a moment.

Yes, Mary was being tested.

She wasn't the type to attract much attention, and her low self-esteem prevented her from having confidence in her appearance. Nevertheless, her swaying, long golden hair and her exquisite yet delicate features managed to captivate a few gazes.

As the dance reached its conclusion, the party, too, was drawing to a close.

"I need to find a place where no one can see me quickly," Mary contemplated.

Suddenly, the entrance door swung open forcefully, and armed soldiers from the Slaver Army stormed in.


"What's going on?!"

"There are intruders in the Duke's mansion!"

Amidst the chaos and confusion among the guests, a woman stepped forward, leading the soldiers. Meanwhile, Romeo stepped up to shield Mary. "Who are you people?! If you're here to disrupt our engagement, I won't show mercy, no matter who you are!"

Romeo's authoritative voice echoed through the room. However, the woman remained unfazed and confidently took a step forward, addressing him directly. "Lord Romeo, I have come to expose the sins of that woman—Mary Pulcherrima!"

Even after scrutinizing the woman's face, Mary couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger.

"How disrespectful. Addressing Princess Mary so casually!"

"She has committed enough sins to warrant it." The woman looked down at Mary with a disdainful gaze.

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