Reaction.: 2nd day of school

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Okay that's it! You were warned! Begone thot!

Hashimoto.: He said the thing!

Chie.: You guys are soo mean!!!

With that in my mind I quickly yeeted her out of the classroom like any peace lover should do so.

After that the students were shocked and only thanks to Kurumi were they able to let it go and just laugh at the scene, with that I went to take my seat.

Ayanokouji's pov.:

After the "Drunk lady operation" was over we had 2 more teacher, teaching some staff that I already learnt in WR.

Suzune.: What's WR? So kind of shortening I assume.

Ayanokouji.: It's my middle school where I studied.

The 1st one was the homeroom teacher of Clasd 1C Sakagami. He is an old man with bad hairstyle and that's pretty much about him that's noteable and isn't useless.

Sakagami.: I'm giving you more homework.

Atsoumi.: and I'm taking my son home thank you very much.

Tsukushiro.: Can I kill this fool sensei?

Atsuomi.: Not yet.

Tsukushiro.: You need her as a mother too?

Atsuomi.: I will ship your ass off to North Korea.

The 2nd one was the homeroom teacher of Class 1A Mashima. He likes students and probably is loved and respected by thoose Class A students.
He is a little bit fat but that's the only bad thing about him so far.

Mashima.: Thanks Ayanokouji!

As homeroom was about to begin Chabashira entered the Class she stopped. She probably saw the sign on the door bc she laughed after it.

Sae.: Hello Students! In this homeroom we will talk about the emergency pratices we must know in case if something happens! Any questsions?

I signaled to Ichinose to do the talk.

Ichinose.: This won't be related to the homeroom but sensei?


Ichinose.: You said that we will be judged by our merit right?

Sae.: Yes, go on!

Ichinose.: So if we do bad things like attacking a teacher or steal, it should change right?

Sae.: Yes and it does change when you do any bad things.

At this Kanzaki interrupted. He probably realized what Ichinose is trying to say. Good for him, he could be a usefull pice of the class.

Kanzaki.: And for Punishments could it make the school give us less pp.-s?

Sae.: Sorry, I can't answer that!

Anos.: They already know it Sensei why hide the truth?

Sae.: bc Mr.Classclown I am not allowed to do that!

C.G.: And Sae-chan enters the roasting team too!

Ayanokouji.:Sensei? You said that we can buy anything in this school right?

Sae.: Yes I did say that. Of course there is a limit like you can't buy yourself a slave and morbid stuff like that.

Atsuomi.: (watch me!)

Ayanokouji.: Can we buy this Info?

At this the class was schocked,expect a few people like Anos or Kurumi .

Students.: We are schocked too!

Sae.: Yes it will be 1.000.000. pp.-s

Hirata.: That's 25% of our first monthly income! We could have saved soo many points if we were smarter.

Shinohara.: We could have if not for this traitor!

???(Shibata).: How would he have that many pp.-s?

???(Amikura).: Does anyone here has that much pp.-s?

Anos.: Well would you look at that! What do you say love? Should I buy the info for there sake?

???(Kanzaki).: You have that many private points?

Kurumi.: Hmmm? Let me think! If you can make Ayanokouji and Ichinose come with us for a double date than I will allow you to spent that 1.000.000 pp. on them.

Arisu.: Will we react to that in the future?

At this the class looked at me and Ichinose for the answer

Ayanokouji.: *signs* I agree

Ichinose.: *blushes* Well it's for the class only, right?

C.G.: Yep. 100% only for the class!

Hashimoto.: Another joker apoered!

Anos.: Okay Sensei here's the payment for the info *donates it to her*.

Chabashira.: *schocked that someone had that kind of "money"* Okay here you guys go with the info!

*After she explains the whole S-system to them*

Students.: *sad faces that they could have had that info earlier*

Chabashira.: No questsion I assume? Okay then bye!

As she leaves Ichinose goes to the podium and starts her very own speech

Ichinose.: Guys! Girls! As you heard from Sensie the things she said I think it's best for us if we create a class bank for emergency point useages!

Students.: Agreed! We should choose who that person will be!

Students.: Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!

Amikura.: Okay everybody, since everybody here agrees! I think we should choose Ichinose as our class bank since she came up the idea!

Students.: Agreed!

As the vioces were getting higher and higher the door's window started to crack. As they realized this they started getting quieter.

Ichinose.: Well if you guys want me to be the Class bank than so be it! I want everyone to transfer 50% of all they montly income that they will get! And starting with this months I want all of you to pay in 50.000.pp-s!

Anos,Kurumi,Kiyotaka's minds.: Phew good thing she didn't said all of our pp.-s

Ayanokouji.: If that were to happen then The bank would have over 2 Billion PP.-s.

Students.:*gives there points*

*Now 40x50.000 is around 2.000.000. pp.-s if I'm right*

With that most people started to go "home" and some people stayed here as they were eighter talking to Leadernose or just talking to eachother like friends supposed to do sometimes.

-Chapter Ends-

Now guys here are the TOP pp. owners.

1.Anos/Kurumi (more than 2 billion)
2.SCP (around 16.5 million)
3.Ayanokouji (more than 4 million)
4.Ichinose (more than 2 million)
5.Akane (around 1.2 million)

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