I hate working with profilers

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Sofia's POV

Are you even allowed to be nervous before starting a new job or is it just a cliche? But who gives a damn, I'm shitting bricks walking into the Behavioral Analysis Office. It's always weird being the new girl. The stares and whispers. I feel like I'm back in elementary school. Knowing someone here will hopefully boost my friendship-making skills. Pushing through the big glass doors I see everyone stop what their doing and look over at me. 'Oh, I'm gonna kill myself.'

"Oh, mia bambina, Sofia!" I hear Dave exclaim from the top of the staircase in the back corner of the office. He walks quickly down the step and rushed towards me. "I have missed you so much Sof!" He kissed both of my cheeks before pulling me into a hug. Well if people weren't staring they definitely are now. "Come meet the team." He ushers me over to a group of people chatting around desks.

"Everyone, this is my goddaughter, Sofia Romano." Dave waves a hand in my direction and I step forward smiling at everyone. 'God, why are they all so attractive?' The first person to introduce themselves is a dark, tall man. "I'm Derek Morgan, If you ever need anything I can give you my number and help in any way I can." He winks and the rest of the team rolls their eyes. The next person is a blonde girl about my height. "Hi, I'm Jennifer Jareau, you can call me JJ though. I'm the team Communication Liaison." I shake her hand turning to the next person.

This is an even taller man than last, his brown hair pushed behind his ears. He doesn't stick his hand out so I stick mine out. "Sorry I don't shake hands, the number of pathogens passed through handshakes is disgusting. It's safer to kiss really." I let out a little laugh as he rambles on. "I'm Spencer. Spencer Reid." he smiles and I return it. The last person is a woman with dark hair. 'God she is stunning.' "I'm Emily Prentiss, It's nice to finally meet you. Rossi over here hasn't stopped talking about you since Hotch told everyone we were getting a new agent."

I smile looking over at Dave. He throws his hands up in defeat and I let out a laugh. "I hope I'm living up to what he's been saying." Everyone lets out a small laugh. "Oh, you are even better," Derek said causing Dave to shoot him a look making the rest of us laugh. Just then a girl with bright blonde hair and a bright-colored outfit walked in. She squeals when she sees the group of us around the desks. Making her way over to us.

"You must be Sofia, I'm Penelope Garcia. The Technical Analyst, my lord you are even more stunning than the photos I've seen. Oh, we're going to be best friends!" She pulls me into a hug that I gladly accepted. "I love you already," I said to her causing her to hug me even tighter. "Babygirl, she's not leaving, you can let go of her now." Penelope let's go at Morgans's words.

While conversing with my new team I hear my name being called. "Agent Romano, It's nice to finally meet you." I turn around and my jaw practically breaks open. This is the hottest man I have ever seen. I look him up and down and my lord those hands. 'I want him to shove me against the wa- Not the time Sofia, not the time.'

"You must be Agent Hotchner. It's a pleasure." I stick my hand out and he grabs it. The way his hands look so rough yet feel so gentle is giving me mixed emotions. 'I bet he fucks hard and rou- Again not the time Sofia my god, what's wrong with me?' "Dave has told me so much about you. Thank you for being here." He drops my hand and crosses his, I watch his jaw tighten close. 'Okay, Mr. Dominant.' "Of course thank you for letting me join your team."

"Let me show you to your desk." He walks over to an empty desk that faces what I assume is his and Dave's offices. "This is your desk. Reid sits next to you, Morgan across from you, and Prentiss next to Morgan. My office is on the left and Rossi's is on the right. JJ's and Penelopes are down that hall that they can show you too and the round table room where we always meet is up those stairs and to the right. Kitchens over there and bathroom also down the hall. Now if you will excuse me I have paperwork to fill out." He walks away and I'm left stunned.

Well okay. Good introduction I guess. He seemed nice but not smiling and just leaving threw me off. I guess everyone could tell I was a little taken aback. "Don't worry Sofia, he's just got to get used to you. He'll lighten up don't worry." JJ says while patting my should making her way to what I assume is her office. "Bella, don't worry I'll talk to him. Get through that hard head. But don't worry he really is just a big softie." Dave earns a laugh from the team as they all disbanded, either going to their desks or to the kitchen. I turn to my desk and set my purse down and sit on my chair. 'I already love it here.'

Aarons POV:

I'm already regretting this. I should have asked Dave what Sofia looked like before the call interviews and giving her this position. Because I'm fucked. When she first walked into the office I was about to leave the office to go talk to Dave but stopped when I saw her. Her long brown hair reached just above her ass. The way her clothes hugged her figure and damn she had a good body. I mentally slapped myself for the thoughts. First, I'm her boss. Second, she's 10 years younger than me. Third, that's Dave's goddaughter.

I stayed in my office praying to anyone that would listen that it was either Reid's or Morgan's girlfriend. Even Emily, I was desperate. But when Rossi called out to her I knew I was fucked. I let the team introduce themselves before I went out to do the same for myself. I already knew Morgan was going to try and make a move but knowing Rossi that will never happen.

After Garcia's done talking they fall into a conversation, I decide this is my time to make my way down there. The only person that notices I'm coming is Dave and he has a smirk on his face like he knows something I don't. I finally speak and she turns around and faces me. God those green eyes are absolutely stunning. I watch as she drags her eyes up and down my body.

What I would do just to bend her over this tab- Not the time Aaron. I continue talking, watching her watch my lips. I tell her where everything is and make my escape. This is going to be hard. I don't know how I'm going to restrain myself. I finally make it back to my office and sit on my couch where I had files and cases spilled on the coffee table and the rest of the couch.

I got lost in the files when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opens, I see Dave standing there with a smirk on his face. "Yes, Dave?" He walks over and sits on one of the chairs in front of me. "Sofia doesn't think you like her much." He says with a knowing tone. 'Dammit Dave why do you always know everything.'

"Dave, I just met the girl, how am I supposed to like her if we had a 2-minute conversation?" He gave me a 'You are fucking dumb look.' "Aaron, your whole job is to know if you can like and trust a person in two minutes. I know you and I saw that look. Don't shut her out. I may be saying this because I love both of you, but let this play out. I know everything with Kate and the explosion threw you off, but let this set you straight."

And with that, Dave was off and walking back over to Sofia. He looked back into my office with a smile and slid into conversation with her. I hate working with profilers. You can keep anything to yourself for two seconds. But most of all I hate how Rossi's always right. 'Will I listen to his advice?' No. 'Will I continue to gawk at Sofia and put on the tough guy persona?' Yes.

Hate to Love Her/ A.H.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt