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Adhi and Anu rushed inside Anu's dorm room and locked it quickly. They did not want anyone seeing them together, that too, in a girl's dormitories. 

Anu was staying alone in her dorm room as she had no roommates.

Anu took off her shoes and so did Adhi. They drank some water and sat on the bed. Anu was removing her watch and other accessories as Adhi was staring at her continously. He couldn't wait anymore and grabbed her hands and pinned Anu to the bed.

Adhi hovered above her and looked at Anu with an intense gaze. His eyes were dark showing his need for her. Anu looked at him with doe eyes and was silent as she had no words to say as it was stuck in her throat.

Anu opened her mouth to say something and Adhi quickly leaned in and kiss her. Anu was shocked and widened her eyes. His kiss was passionate and needy. He sucked on her lower lips and his hands roamed over her body and when he squeezed her bosom slowly Anu gasped. Adhi took this as a chance and entered his tongue in her mouth and the two fought for dominance,  in which Adhi surely won. 

Adhi then trailed his kisses all over her jaw and neck. He bit and sucked making red and purple hickeys appear on her honey-like skin. Anu moaned and hissed at the feeling. She tugged his hair an held him close to her. 

Adhi detached from her and looked at her with a smirk. Anu blushed and shyly smiled. Adhi leaned and kissed her forehead.  He then kissed her throat and sucked on it causing Anu to wiggle in pain and winced as he made more hickeys.

Adhi's hands trailed down and held the hem of Anu's shirt and was about to tug it off of her body and....


Anu woke up with a jerk and slammed the clock to stop it from ringing more. She  sighed but something crossed her mind... the kiss, the hickeys everything felt so real. 

She jumped off the bed and hurried to the bathroom and looked at the mirror and to her relief there was nothing on her body. She was flustered thinking that she had a dream like this..

Anu then took a shower and got ready and hurriedly walked to the college campus. She was still thinking about the dream she had in the morning and sighed.

Anu: chii ena ithu ipdi elam dream varuthu.(anu slapped her forehead and continued walking). ( eww, why am I dreaming like this?)

As she was walking, she saw Adhi coming from the opposite direction. Adhi smiled and waved at her as Anu stood rooted in her place. As Adhi came closer, Anu remembered her dream and she screamed loudly which startled Adhi and the others around aswell. 

Anu screamed and ran away from there. Adhi was shocked and confused as to why she behaved like that.  He turned to follow her but a staff had called him for some work and he went away. 

During break, Adhi met a flustered Anu and asked her why she did like that. And Anu somehow skillfully lied to him and Adhi believed her.

Adhi and Anu were talking about something when one of Anu's classmate came  running to them and told something which made Anu's blood boil. Adhi got mad aswell. The two rushed to the cafeteria see what was happening. 

Sivu was crying  and Ammu was trying to console her. Anu reached them asked what happened and Ammu told her briefly that the boys teased Sivu very badly. 

Adhi clenched his fists. He was mad at what happened to Sivu. Adhi had got closer to the girls and he cared for them.  Before he could react, everything there happened in a slow motion...

Anu walked to the senior boy who teased her friend, on the way to him, she grabbed a juice from someone who was drinking it and poured it over the bully's head.

 The boy got angry and turned to her. He was about to beat her when Anu slapped him so hard that he stumbled and fell down.

The whole cafeteria became silent. Anu and Adhi's friends all looked the the scene with their jaws dropped and they cheered for her.

They boy slowly got up and steadied himself when Anu kicked his legs making him fall again.

Anu: innoru vati ipdi senja,  una chumma vidamaten. ( if you do something like this again, I won't leave you alone)

Bully: eii nee elam oru ponna , ipdi bajari madhiri panre. Oru paiyana adikira..( hey what type of a girl are you? Behaving like a thug. And your beating a boy??)

Anu: aama apdithaan adipen ena da panuva... una apdiye vidakudathu, iru una ena panren nu paaru..( yes, I would do like that, what will you do? Wait and watch what I do to you now)

Anu then lunged towards him and grabbed his hair and pulled it making the boy scream.

Adhi rushed to her and tried to pry her off of him. Anu screamed to let her go as she wanted to show that bully a lesson. Adhi pulled her away and carried her in caveman style and walked away as their friends followed them.

Phew what a chapter ila...

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