Chapter 3

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 Welcome Emilia's POV

"Dear, I am your father the left one is your second older brother , alen and the one on right is your oldest brother , Armando . "said the person sitting beside me who appears to be my father . " You can call me Arman or ando " said Armando ." How about we go home and meet others , by the way the officer said to me that you can't remember your name , right?" I nodded . " It's Emilia , sweety " he said with a wide grin .

"Cute" I said in wisper but Armando heard ." Ofcourse it is after all I named you " he said with a proud smile . "Come on let's go" . We walked outside said our byes to the officer and went to a black car .


I felt as if I was flying . I opened my eyes just to see I was being lifted by my father . " Don't worry princess go back to sleep "he said in the most sweet voice I have ever heard .
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

I tried to open my eyes but the golden light rays . I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with 6 pairs of eyes staring at me with .... Nothing ?

I got up and sat on the bed trying to understand their expression and I saw the time , it scared me I was late .
"I'm sorry I won't ever wake up this late again " I said while trembling with fear . Aman came ahead and raised his hand ." Don't hit me please I swear I won't repeat my mistakes " I said closing my eyes shut . " Sweety you can sleep as much as you want no one will scold or hit you for that " he said settling on the the bed . He patted on his right side asking me to sit . I ran over immediately " Really can I sleep as long as I want " I asked with a big smile plastered on my face . " Yes but not before eating breakfast let's go and make you some food " .
But then I saw three more boys staring at me on of them was the carbon copy of alen just blue eyes . I took small steps near him " Didn't you had brown eyes yesterday how do you have blue eyes now ??" .


" Here I am , missing me already little sis " said alen . Everyone were laughing except me . "Ahhhh ghosttttttttt " I said and tears clouded my eyes .

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