020. the city of sin

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Margot sent him a look causing him to chuckle. "He does, alright? And Bex looks like a golden retriever and Elijah looks like a bitch."

"Very descriptive," she teased. "If that is what they look like, what am I?"

"A princess."

She smiled, "You just want me to make you more cookies because you ate them all."

He grinned slyly as he maneuvered himself across the kitchen to take Hope into his arms. The baby smiled up at the man and he smiled back. His heart stopped for a moment as he stared at his niece and nephew before he looked at Margot again. "I think Nik ate them all."

"Bullshit. I saw you grab them and run, Kol." She glanced around the dimly lit room for a moment before looking at him. "When are they coming back? The last time I asked Nik said he wasn't sure."

"Well, I left as soon as Bekah started making out with three girls somehow at the same time so... Maybe an hour. Why? You don't like spending time with me?"

Margot smiled at him as she moved to sit next to him on one of the bar stools before taking Henry in her arms. "I could never get tired of spending time with you, Kol. I'm just tired."

"Didn't you sleep like twelve hours last night?" he questioned with an amused grin. She shrugged, "I don't know what it is. Ever since I gave birth I haven't been able to really sleep. It's like I'm sleeping but not actually sleeping."

He stared at her. "What the fuck does that mean, darling?"

She laughed softly. To be fair, she didn't understand it either, but she sure as hell knew the cause.

Kol didn't know, nor did Elijah or Rebekah. Even Stefan and Kai were unaware of her current situation. Klaus didn't know much either, he was under the impression that the nightmares had stopped. But in truth, Margot just got better at hiding them.

Kol quickly noticed her silence and placed his free hand on her knee, "Is there something wrong? Do I have to punch someone? Please tell me it's Nik. I've been wanting to punch him for a while."

Margot smiled at him. "Why have you been wanting to punch Nik?"

"I don't know. He just has a face that makes me want to punch– You're changing the subject," he tsked. "Not cool, darling. Now, tell me what's hurting your pretty heart?"

She let out a soft sigh as she stared down at Henry who had fallen asleep in the short time she and Kol had been speaking. "I've just been having a few bad dreams. Nothing crazy and nothing to worry about. I am completely fine."

"I've learned that when women say they are fine they usually aren't. So either you are not a woman or you are not fine."

"Jesus, Kol."

"It's the truth. Bekah told me that. And I know for a fact you are a woman so what the heck is bothering my favourite person?"

"I'm your favourite person?"

He blushed. "No. I– My favourite person doesn't exist. I don't like people."

"No," Margot dragged out with an amused look. "You said I'm your favourite person."

"Shut up," he grumbled, earning a stare from her. "Okay, fine. I might, possibly, potentially, like you as a person. God, you're acting like I said I love you– Which I don't! I don't have the capacity to love people."

Margot hummed at the man. He was such a baby.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now? If you tell me you're fine I'm gonna piss off Nik and then he'll dagger me and it will be all your fault and then you will feel so guilty that you will eventually not be able to live and you will die."

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