Following close behind her as they walked down the stairs,

"Stella, who's at the door?" Miles yelled,

"Unidentified stranger... Scanning... Not a threat" Stella answered,

As they walked to the door, Nevaeh heard a sharp sound of metal,

"Miles, put that pocket knife back in your pocket where it belongs" She sighed as she rolled her eyes,

"We don't know who's at the door" He whispered,

"Not everyone's a terrorist, put it back" She scowled,

Suddenly, Tara's scream erupted into the atmosphere,

She was in the monsters under my bed, in the bathroom and everywhere I go alone phase,

"I'll go check up on her, be safe" Miles whispered before returning the way he came, up the stairs,

"Okay" Nevaeh said as she made her way to open the door,

Standing about six foot tall and maybe an inch higher,

Azure blue eyes smiled at her softly,


His face expressed astonishment,

She looked like a mess,

A hot mess,

It was easy for the man to tell that she'd been up to something lately,


At a point in their lives,

He had been in between her legs more than just several times before he disappeared without an explanation,

He had hoped she would wait,

Now, it was obviously too late,

"Henrí" She said in a nonchalant tone,

"Well, it's been a long while, I never thought you'd step foot in Brooklyn again" He said,

Nevaeh eyed the badges on his uniform,

"You're the captain of the police force?" She asked in a monotonous voice,

"Well, yes" He chuckled in an awkward manner,

He didn't expect her to respond like that,

"So you're based in Brooklyn now?" She asked, spite evident in her voice,

"Look, I'm sorry about leaving you in Queens, I..."

"You didn't leave, you disappeared" She said coldly, cutting him off,

"Kaylani" He sighed,

"What?" She asked,

"It was on short notice, my parents..." He said,

"I do not care" Nevaeh interjected in a harsh tone,

"I know you're very angry" He whispered,

He was right about that one because Nevaeh was livid,

"It's been four years and you think it's cool to just holler at my place when you feel like it, how the hell did you find me" Nevaeh yelled,


"Should've known, that bitch" Nevaeh muttered underneath her breath,

"So why are you here? What do you want?" Nevaeh asked,

"Let's just talk this out" He sighed,

Nevaeh let out a deep breath,

"Can I come in? Please?" He asked,

"Fine" She sighed,

"Who's at the door, Mamí" Miles rasped, an arm snaking around her waist, eyes staring Henrí down, easily asserting dominance,

Henrí gulped as he watched a sweet smile grace Nevaeh's face as she leaned into the brown skinned man,

"Well, love, this is Henrí" Nevaeh smiled,

"This the bitch who ditched you?" Miles asked,

"Yes, but be nice" She smiled before turning to Henrí,

"And Henrí, this is my boyfriend, Miles" She smiled,

"Nice to meet you, man" Miles said as he dapped him up, not forgetting to whisper a few words in his ear as he leaned in,

"Thanks for ditching her, If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have her and I don't know why you're back but no funny shit, okay?"

Henrí gulped, nodding his head quickly,

"Come on in" Nevaeh smiled, leading him to the dining room so they could have that little discussion he was talking about,

"I'll be upstairs if you need me" Miles said, before leaving the two alone,

Nevaeh knew he wanted to stay but Tara was alone in her room and it was only a matter of time before she woke up and freaked out again,

"Water?" Nevaeh asked, remembering vividly that Henrí didn't fancy drinks,

"Yes, thank you" He said, just before she placed a glass of water in front of him,

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Nevaeh asked,

"Look, I just want to apologize for the way I left you, you didn't deserve that" He whispered,

"Left?" She asked lividly,

"Nevaeh" He sighed, using her first name,

"DON'T YOU NEVAEH ME" She exclaimed,

"You didn't even pick up my calls" She added,

"I was robbed when I got here and I didn't have a phone for a very long time" He explained,

"And you're trying to tell me that you couldn't find any other way to contact me?" She asked angrily,

This time, he kept silent, looking down at his cap in his laps,

"I was scared, I was afraid Nevaeh, I didn't know what to do" He whispered,

"So I wasn't scared? You left me alone at the lowest possible time in my life" Nevaeh stated in a whisper,

Deep down, she knew what she was planning to say next immediately her eyes met his would shatter him,

But he deserved to hear it,

"You know? Everyday, I thank God I lost your baby" She whispered harshly immediately his soft broken eyes connected to her malicious brown ones,

"What?" He whispered as shock and confusion distorted his face,

"Yes Henrí, I was pregnant" She told him,

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked,

"I didn't know earlier but I was going to tell you the day you left" She answered,

Henrí facepalmed, dragging his hand along his face,

He looked at her,

"You didn't abort it, did you?" He sighed sadly,

"No, I got involved in a fight, big one" She whispered,

Technically, it wasn't a fight, it was more of a mission, but Henrí didn't know she was a spider person,

And it was best if he never knew, especially now he was a cop,

It was safer that way for both Miles and herself,

"I'm so sorry, Kayla" He whispered,

"It's fine, what have you been up to?" She asked.

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