Chapter 91: Unspoken guidance and mike's phone call.

Start from the beginning

-Max pov-

This's amazing...I wish i could have taken in the view back at delfino island, but...there's something else here...

-Mike pov-

I will never forget the look on his face after i told him to take his mask off...death, despair and sadness all mixed into one...i knew something was wrong when he decided to not show the letter he gave me, especially after i heard that he actually took his mask off in front of a handful of kids and broke down in tears at yoshi's island. I still don't fully know what happened over there, but this letter...arceus, it explains why he could barely defend himself against zöhm's horrific version of bowser...

And this's incredible I just wish we could explore it.

-Marx pov-

The look on his face. I know i've seen it before...why did max have the same look? Could it be...oh my, it's the only explanation that makes sense...but i think max will reveal that himself. If anything, i just know that there's gonna be an emotionally charged rant coming that will simply change everything!


"What a view..." Max mutters as they got closer, only for byron to pitch in bluntly. "We can't get any closer. I'll have to land so that no one notices." Max understood why, considering that during his adventures, no one knew where what they called a futuristic helicopter came from and he was surprised that the magishadow never once tried to attack it. "That's fine." Max says, before turning to mike. "Hey...can you make a call to dad? I have the feeling that he's going to wanna come here." He asks him. The look in his eyes didn't change much, and the fact that max was asking this made mike worry. "Sure..." He answers as the helicopter lands. "Could you at least leave that mask behind?" Mike quickly asked him just as max is about to exit.

"Believe it or not, i wasn't planning on wearing it..but i won't let it be discarded by anyone." Max says before he took off his trenchcoat and tossed it beside his mask which didn't have a single mark on it even though it went through quite a few battles, yet it somehow looked...different. Max now wore a white tank top with a picture of a beach scenery and grey shorts along with his gun holster that had been upgraded to the point that his wand and his starlight saber can be placed with his deceiving aura gun and he still had his boots and the gloves. His body however, looked almost bulky yet rugged to the point that it almost looked as if he's been through a lot of punishment. His tattoos were still there even though they almost looked faded which made marx look at him strangely while mike wore a grey adidas shirt that was slightly torn along with tan shorts and his sword holster that housed his katana.

In fact, max didn't even bother to get his shades from out of his trenchcoat pocket which made mike worry about him as he takes them and puts them in his pocket, knowing that roy wouldn't exactly be thrilled to see him without them.

-Mike pov-

There's something wrong with him...his aura is just..raw with emotion. What the hell happened to him? I look at the time knowing that the big guy was probably not gonna be a happy camper in terms of being woken up early. "Ugh...7:12 am...not even sure if he's up..." I muttered before dialing his number and waited for him to answer. "This better be important." Bowser says to me bluntly. Yeesh, he's not in the best mood. "It's me, mike. And it's definitely important." I tell him. "Mike? Did you find max?" He asks. "'s bad...he's alive and kicking,'s bad..." I answer, my voice quivering. "What. Happened?" Bowser demanded, noting the slight panic in his voice. "It's better if you come here at the coastal kingdom. All i can tell you is that max felt as if something guided him here, and...i read the letter he kept." I answer.

"Why the fuck...ugh..ok, ok...i'll get everyone up and head over. I don't give a fuck if anyone notices! Just..just try to get max to open up. If only i could wring his neck just so he can tell me." He growled. Hoo, boy...bowser is DEFINITELY not in a good mood. "You're going to have trust me on this...please..." I couldn't help but plead with him. After what happened at the coconut mall, the last thing max needs is bowser yelling at him.

"...Fine. Just..just stay with him." Bowser responded before hanging up. Oh, arceus...i hope this won't go horribly...

-Marx pov-

His tattoos are faded...well, maybe not as faded as the other guy, but can't be a coincidence!


"I hope the kid is ok...I might be seen as stoic and maybe emotionless to others, but..even i have my moments." Byron says over the intercom as marx simply floats out the door while following max. "I hope so me a favor, and make sure that mask and trench coat of his stay where they are if you go anywhere." Mike replied. "Yes sir. I plan on sticking around and MAYBE look around." Byron answered which made mike chuckle. "You do that..." He says with a light smile before leaving to follow max.

Aside from it being partly cloudy, there's no indication that it would get stormy any time soon, but in terms of whatever max is being guided to at this very moment...a storm might as well be brewing and ready to unleash at any moment.

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