"Yeah she is," Roman agreed. "She's been through a lot of tough battles but she's always remained so caring and sweet. I definitely got lucky. She's just my heart and soul."

"You guys do have a really cute relationship and your family is beautiful." Logan complimented. "You mentioned she's the only one who has access to your anger button."

His eyes widened. "The only person in the world who has access to my anger button is my wife. She knows exactly how to push that button sometimes but I mean that's in every relationship and marriage. My kids do try and push it but usually they know when enough is enough. Especially our daughter, you know she's a teenager now and has that attitude but we don't put up with it at all and one look from the wife and she'll zip her mouth right away."

The podcast went on, a majority of it he talked about Luciana. He'd been smiling the whole time his cheeks were starting to hurt, especially when they got into more depth about his kids. It seemed to go by so fast, Roman was already on his way home.

 It seemed to go by so fast, Roman was already on his way home

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@impaulsivepodcast: It was a pleasure Mr. Tribal Chief!


"How'd it go?" Luciana greeted him at the door.

He placed a kiss on her lips. "Really good baby, he wants to get you on the show."

"Aw," she smiled and kissed him once more. "I'm making dinner, help set the table?"

"Yes ma'am." Roman followed her. "Are the kids in the backyard?"

"Both sets of twins are and Lanu is in her room." Luciana replied. "If I tell you something, promise to not get all papa bear mode?"

He gave her a scowl. "There is no such thing as papa bear mode."

She scoffed, "When Lasaro and Leati's coach said Leati needed to work more on his defense in soccer you went off on him."

Roman rolled his eyes as he set the table. "That's irrelevant babe. Anyways what did you want to tell me?"

Luciana took a deep breath. "Lanu... may have a little boyfriend."

His head whipped around to look at his wife. "What do you mean a boyfriend? She can't have a boyfriend."

"Here we go," she threw up her hands. "She was too scared to tell you so she had me do it. Lanu asked if we could have dinner at his parents house this weekend."


"Roman." Luciana grumbled. "You can't be like that. She's growing up, she's almost sixteen. Cmon your mom told me you were quite the player in high school."

"Wait when did my mom tell you that? And even if I was, I know exactly how teenage boys can be because I was one!"

"I already said we'll go." She said. "So you can either be grumpy and mope around, or come with us and give this poor kid a chance."

He sighed and looked at Luciana who had her arms crossed.

Lanu entered the kitchen. "What's going on?"

Roman looked at his daughter and frowned. "When did you grow up?"


sad :( only a few chapters left

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