Chapter 2

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This time it's gonna be Julians POV of the whole day.
tw: none I think
Julians POV:

I wake up at the break of dawn. It's about 6:00am. I like to wake up early so I can get ready for the day and just chill. Stepmom has kinda made me get up early. I also need to get up early anyway to get Mattie up.

I put on my clothes for the day. My outfit is a basic white shirt and some beige shorts. Even though it's winter, it's still t-shirt and shorts wheater.

Me and Mattie share the same room so I make sure to be quiet, because she is still sleeping.

I head down stairs to get breakfast. Everytime I eat breakfast I hope Ash makes sure xey get at least a little something to eat. I choose ceral for food.

Then I go up the stairs agian to get completely ready for the day. I brush my teeth, put deodorant on, brush my hair, pack my bag for the day, make my bed, wake Mattie up, get her breakfast, get her dressed, and finally get my shoes on.

I wait outside for Ash to come. Everyday he comes to pick me up and take me to school. Eventually xey get here and I run over to him after yelling goodbye to everyone my house.

I start ranting about Zoey. Zoey is my second bestfriend. She is also my crush. "Ash, you have know idea how cute she is. The other day I made a joke and SHE LAUGHTED at it, isn't that crazy. Do you think she likes me too? Maybe I should ask one of her friends. Wait is she even single? I have to ask her friends that too. I'm glad I get to see her today, maybe I can finally make a move. What do you think Ash?" I say in like one long big breath.

After a few seconds xe doesn't reply. "Ash? Earth to Ash" I say trying to get his attention. "huh, oh yea I think, yes" I'm so happy xey agreeged. "OK! Sweet I'll do it today, hope she says yes. Thanks for the advice Ash" I excliam. I'm so happy.

We soon get to school. we separate to go to our own classes. Luckily my first class is with Zoey so after class I will ask her.

*time skip to after class

Ahh I'm so scared yet exited to ask her. I see she is packing up, hopefully I can catch her in time. I kinda speed walk over to her trying to not make it look obvious that I'm exited and  nervous. "hey Zoey" I utter. she responds with "oh hey Julian, what's up?" AHHH oh god what do I say. Talking to girls is so hard.

"would you like to go out with on a date today? After school or when ever your free. You don't have to say yes." I mutter. "oh my god Julian YES! and I'm free for after school." she almost yells.

I immediately hug her and say to many yeses to count.

*after school

I'm literally jumping with excitement. I see Ash and idmetaly run over to xem. "why are you so exited" he says in a confused tone. Why is xe confused? Did he forget that I was going to ask Zoey out. "don't you rember what I was going to do at school today?" I question xem. "yea, I think" "sooo, I asked Zoey if she wanted to go on a date with me, and she said YES" I almost yell. "oh, I'm so happy for you" I'm so gald xey are happy for me. "will we still be able to go to the library today?" OMG I FORGOT ABOUT GOING TO THE LIBRARY!!!!!!!! "ummm, I'm sorry. No we can't" I say very gulity. "oh that's ok, I'm happy for you" he say looking almost like xey are going to cry. OMG HE IS ABOUT TO CRY. After realizing he is about to cry, xey are already running. I call out his name but xey do not turn around.

I can't go after him because I have a date with Zoey. I thought about canceling the date so I cound comfort Ash but I decide against it.

Luckily I have like twenty minute till my date, so I can at least get ready.

I go meet Zoey at the park. OMG she is so pretty all dolled up, her dirty blond hair looks like it's glowing. She is wearing a white short dress with dasiy on it, white shoes, and a pair of gold earings. "bonjour" I say to her. She smiles the most brighest smile in the world. I sit down next to her on the park bench and put my arm on her sholder.

We talk for what seems like hours. After a little bit I see ASH. He looks like xe is in his own world and then xey sees us. He immediately tenses up and starts walking faster. I want to go talk to him, but Zoey is in mid conversation.

I will just talk to him tomorrow.

When I start heaading home it's about 8:00pm. I walk into the house as quitly as I can but Stepmom is right there on the couch waiting for me.

"where have you been?" she says in the most stricly way possible. " have you been hanging out with that weird boy? I think he is a bad influence for you. You should at least tell where you have been.". I think of lye I can tell her. " I was studying at the library aand lost track of time." I mutter bairly audible.

She nods and I make my way up the stairs. I get ready for bed. I shower and when I get out it's about 9:30pm which is around the time stepmom want me to go to bed. When I walk into me and Matties room I see her sound asleep.

I get into bed and review my whole day. I like to do this everytime before bed. I think about the good the bad and the boring parts. I realy hope I can talk to Ash tomorrow. I don't know why me going on a date and not going to the library made xem react so badly. I'm happy I finally ask Zoey on a date, I may soon ask her to be my GIRLFRIEND.

I finally drift off into a deep slumber.
this is the whole day, but in Julians POV. I did not realy read this aany grammer misakes tell me please. Word Count: 1088

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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