"Yes, no games anymore. I am, and I need you. So don't go walking away when I'm scared!" She scolded him, but she didn't really feel mad at him.

"Okay...Who do you want to tell first?"

Max chewed on her lip nervously.

"It's up to you?"

"My mom knows..."

"You told your mom?!" Lukas gasped like he was in a soap opera. "What did she say?"

"Nothing, really. I broke down and your dad removed me from the house." Max was not about to tell Lukas that she had to be helped out of the house like an elder without working legs. "I don't know...just something about seeing my mom, made me want to spill everything."

"Well, at least someone knows..." Lukas took her hand and encouraged her to walk out of the bedroom. "Come on, I'm going to set the table. Mom will be home soon...we can wait to tell my parents, If you want..."

"We shouldn't tell them it could be yours. I don't want you in trouble for no reason." Max pouted as she was led down the steps.

"And if it ends up being mine? I think we should just be honest."

Max hated that idea. Tell these sophisticated people that she had multiple potential baby daddies? Yeah, that sounded like a humiliating idea. "I'd rather we not..."

"Well...let's just say it's mine?" Lukas suggested with a tired sigh.

"And...if the baby is born whiter than snow?" Max tilted her head with a sarcastic smile.

Lukas' stomach turns at the thought of the baby actually being born. "I don't know...but you do plan on having this baby?"

Max felt her stomach turn too. "I don't know, but maybe...I'm just, so overwhelmed. I'm pregnant, and so is my mom. It's just all so...fucked up."

Lukas agreed. "Yeah, God must have a sense of humor." He joked and started setting the table so his mom had one less thing to worry about while making dinner. "We can just...wait before we start telling anyone else."


Dinner was tense, and filled with anxious breathing. Max wanted to just blurt it all out again.

I'm a slut!

I'm pregnant!

I was going to hide it from your son!

My live is ruined!

I'm going to be a big sister!

And a big, big, big failure!

"After dinner, you two should go right to bed. You look so exhausted." Sue pulled some skin off her chicken and ate it before smiling at Max. "Not hungry, Max?"

Max had barely even looked at her chicken. "I'm sorry–"

"No no, baby. It's okay." Sue shook her head. "No point in eating it you're not feeling hungry."

"Could I just be excused now?" Max asked politely.

"Sure, do you need anything? Towels for a shower?" Sue suggested.

Max looked at Lukas. She needed a towel and her son. Just her son would do."A shower would be nice..."

"There's fresh towels still folded in the laundry room, I'll get you some." Sue stood up but paused when her son did too.

"No, it's okay. I'm full. I'll get her the towels, mama." Lukas knew the drill. Shower Security.

"Well, okay..." Sue sat back down. "You best not be sneaking into the shower together."

"Ew mom, no." Lukas said as a reflex to his mom making a sex comment.

"Ew?" Max glared at him.

Lukas rolled his eyes and took her hand, taking her to the laundry room for fresh towels. "I didn't mean you're gross, or sex with you is gross." Lukas got the towels and handed them to her.

"If you say so." Max inhaled the fresh gain scent in the air. The detergent bottle on the washer said 'moonlight breeze' but Max imagined it smelt like love and life.

"How do you shower with your arm?"

"Hard to explain, but I've mastered the art of not getting my cast wet in the shower." Max wanted to ask him to guard the door, but it felt silly. She was going to be a mom, she had to get ready to no longer be Lukas' top priority.

"Fair enough, should I be your guardian?" Turns out, Max doesn't have to ask. Because Lukas will always prioritize her. His heart can grow if it needs to, no need to pick and choose priorities.

They walked up the stairs together and to Lukas' bathroom.

Max turned around and faced Lukas. "Lukas..."


"I'm really sorry for not just telling you. I panicked, I- I just didn't want to be alone. I know it was wrong."

Lukas closed the distance between them and cupped her cheeks. "You're lucky you're cute, because you're clueless."

Max figured she deserved harsher words than that, but settled. "I know I am. I should of just–" she was silently told to shut up. She quickly closed her eyes as Lukas kissed her. Gently at first, then with a little more meaning behind it. He pulled away for fear that his parents might walk up the steps and get the wrong idea.

"I'm not leaving you behind."

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora