background knowledge

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Ash has always felt different from other people. He felt like xe didn't fit in his own body; like something was wrong. So when he found out that xe are trans he felt almost complete, xey found out when he was trans around 10 years old.

Xey were scared to tell Julian how he felt. Ash thought Julian wouldn't want to be his friend anymore and that scared xem the most, because he already had a crush on him. Xey knew for sure he couldn't tell his father, but xe knew he could tell his mother, because everytime his father brought something trans/homophobic up his mother would idmetaly shut it down.

When Ash finally told Julian after a couple weeks, xe was so realived that Julian took it well. After telling Julian, Ash told his mother which was one of the most terrifying times of his life. Julian and his mother would switch pronouns around different people and it made Ash so happy. Ashs mother got xem a binder for his 11th birthday and no one could be as happy as Ash on that day.

Soon Ash told everyone that xey are trans which didn't turn out so good. People at school started bullying him which inevitably made xem develop an ed. His dad did not take it well at all. He wanted to throw Ash out, but luckily his mother said 'no'. Ashs father still doesn't like it, but has just pretented that it does not exist.

When Ash mother died it was really hard for Ash. Xey didn't come out of his room for multipuple days. About a month or two his father got a girfriend and started drinking. Sometime Ash vents to Julian about anything, it's mainly about his mother or being trans.

Julian and Ash have been friends since 4th grade. It was luckily they met around when Ash found out xey were trans, because that ment he could sleepover at julians house. If Julians mom found out that he was trans xey wouldn't be able to come over. She somehow didn't hear when Ash came out.

In the place that Ash lives in everyone knows everyone. It's quiet a small little place. The poplulation is about a little over 600. You can basically walk anywhere. No one in the town really knows where this place is; so that's why Ash wants to leave. No one really knows how they get their food or clothes. They just seem to spawn.

They have no technollogy/internet. If you want to talk to someone, you just have to walk to their house or find where they are. The don't have lights or washing machines. The way they get light is with these kind of plants that follow the sun, so they at least know how to tell day/night. Want to read or do something after the lights go out? catch fireflys in a jar. If you want to wash dishes or your clothes; go to the nearby river. They don't have ac or heating. It's a tropical place so heating is not a isuse but over heating is.


This is my frist time writing so sorry for gramer or spelling mistakes. Kinda just wanted to give you guys some background knowledge about Ash and his world. I hope things make sense, if they don't please tell me I'm open to any sugestions or questions you have. Hopefully I will continue and not leave for mulitpule months.
word count :584


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