Chapter 6: Always think before yelling

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Warnings: self harm(?), swearing

Time skip: a few weeks later

No one's POV

A few weeks had gone by and Izuku would meet Touya almost every night, exept on the weekends since he would be at home then. Touya still wasn't comfortable with meeting the rest of his family, mostly Enji. Izuku had tried to convince him to meet at least Shoto but it didn't work.

But after a week of Izuku constantly trying to convince Touya to meet Shoto, he got annoyed.

Dabi's POV

A week had gone by and Izuku was constantly telling me to 'at least meet Shoto'. But then, I had enough, and without thinking, I said something I wish I would have never said.

"Will you stop trying to convince me!? Every night at some point when we meet up here you ask me 'please meet Sho at least', It's getting annoying Izuku! I'm trying to have a great time with you every night because you're the only one that I want to meet up with right now! I'm sick of this constant question repeating in my head every time I go here and meet you! WILL YOU FOR ONCE STOP IRRITATING ME!?" I yelled without thinking.

Everything went silent, Izuku just stood there shocked with tears soon running down his cheeks. I realized what I had said and my eyes widened. "Z-Zuzu wait I-" but it was too late, Izuku had already began running away from the building. I just stood there and watched him run away, there was no point in running after him.

I hit myself on my fore head. "Tch. Why would you say that Touya! How could you be so stupid! Saying those things to your own little brother that you have always cared for!" I said to myself, hitting myself again and again on my forehead and calling myself stupid and an idiot over and over again.

I went to the LOV's base and opened the door, I closed it after me. I think that my forehead had gone red because I hit myself cause it would soon be pointed out.

"Hey Dabii- Woah, why is your forehead so red?" Toga asked, looking at me with a confused look on her face. "It's nothing, now leave me alone." I said coldly, walking away.

"Dabi, I'm serious this time" I stopped. Her voice sounded more serious now so I knew she wanted answers. "I hit myself okay!? Is that enough so that I can go now!?" I said. "Why did you hit yourself!?" She said loudly so that the whole LOV probably heard it, and I was right. "Who did?" Twice said.

"Dabi did!" She sounded sad now, what mood swings. "Why would you hit yourself?" Shigaraki said. "That is none of your fucking business" I said. "But I wanna know why!" Toga complained. I tried to hold my anger but it didn't work, I wasn't really the type to hold in my anger.

"I SAID SOMETHING STUPID TO MY LITTLE BROTHER OKAY!? NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" I ran to my room and shut the door and got to my bed. I layed down on my bed and hit myself again. 'Damn it, I yelled again' I thought. I was really just staring at my wall for God knows how long.

"Ugh...Why do I always have to be the cause for everything.." I mumbled to myself. "I don't think so." I heard a voice from the other side of the bed. "What do you want." I said, not being in the mood for pretty much anything exept to just lay there and do nothing.

"So, you have a little brother?" Shigaraki asked, completely ignoring my question. "What's with that." "Nothing, I was just wondering" "Well I said that a minute ago" He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, it's been three hours since you said that."

"Three hours?" I had completely forgot about the time. "Yeah, don't you check the time?" He asked. "I just forgot it this time, crusty" I said. "Stop calling me that" I gave him an irritated smile. "If you stop calling me staples" I said. "Fair enough" I sat up.

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