What does love mean?

Start from the beginning

-Do you want to play tennis on the beach?- Mrs. Kim asked, looking at me.- We can do two against two, adults against young people.

-Honey, we seem to have distracted them.

Blood rushed to my cheeks, I didn't even notice how Dryly managed to look inside the house and notice a small commotion on the bed and Jennie hiding her reddened cheeks under the blanket. The beloved's mother followed her new husband's gaze and opened her mouth in surprise. I could have said something like, this is not what you thought, or similar, but understanding was already written on her face, there was no turning back. But maybe it's for the best that everything turned out this way? You don't have to admit it with fear.

-Are you sleeping with my daughter?- Mrs. Kim glared at me, then ran inside to the bed and addressed Jennie.- Honey, did she make you?

-No, Mom, Rose and I... love each other.- My beloved honestly confessed, while I was waiting in nervous tension for further events.- We wanted to tell you, but we were afraid.

-I thought you liked guys.

-It turned out that they were not the only ones.- The girl smiled guiltily.

-My God, I don't even want to listen to this nonsense! How can two girls be together?- Mrs. Kim exclaimed.- It's unnatural!

-Youngseo, don't get excited.- Jung said, who came up to his wife, pulling the woman away from her daughter.

-Don't get into the conversation!- She tried to escape.- I'm talking to Jennie, she's completely out of hand.

-She's a grown girl.- Jung continued to soothe her.- You just have to sit in silence and think it over.

Mrs. Kim made a few more jerks, and then, pushing her husband away, left the house. The stepfather of the beloved sadly looked after her, and then directed his gaze at us, and a fear settled inside me that he would also say something like that, but then the man smiled, and the soul was relieved.

-I'll talk to her.- He promised.- And I don't blame you, there's nothing wrong with that if you love each other.

-Thanks, Dad.- Jennie whispered.

-Dad?- The man was surprised, and, to be honest, I was also amazed, but the beloved smiled brightly, and Mr. Jung stroked her hair.- Everything will be fine, Youngseo will accept this fact. She may be nasty sometimes, but she really loves you.

Mrs. Kim returned to the threshold of our house in the late afternoon, when I opened the door, I saw a gentle smile on her face, which made her look so much like Jennie at that moment, or rather, Jennie was like her. The beloved just turned on the electric kettle, so we invited her mother to a tea party. At first, the event was held in absolute silence, Jennie and I waited with fear for the woman to speak, but she only looked at us thoughtfully.

-I'm sorry I shouted.- Finally, she breaks the silence.

I can see Jennie's surprise, she quite often complained that mom never apologizes, even if she is guilty. So that's why she couldn't speak for so long, struggling with her own pride. But I'm not offended, I smile with relief, and I see Mrs. Kim's lips also stretch into a smile. She seemed relieved that she was finally able to apologize.

-You can pack your things.- She continues.

-Why?- Such a sudden statement amazes me.

-We'll go to Melbourne with you tomorrow to meet your parents, Rose.- Youngseo calmly answers, looking at me.- They don't know yet, do they?


-Well, that means we can protect you, if anything.

-T-thank you, Mrs. Kim!

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