Canto III: The Interrogation

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Faust sits in front of me, the table is a circular, stone top, bolted to the floor of the bus, the seats are rather comfortable,  red leather covering the foam cushions. Icarus speaks: "So... what do you want from me?" She responds quickly and concisely "Faust is aware you are not of the City, Icarus, is Faust correct?" Ishmael is standing next to the door to make sure I don't try and escape, I find that it's probably in my best interest to answer, but Ishmael intercedes: "So he's from the Outskirts?" Faust responds quickly and bluntly "No." I tell her that I am not from the City, and of this time period at all. "Look, uh... Faust, was it? I don't know how I got here, but seeing as how I cannot find a way back, I have just decided to get used to the City's customs, and I thought my neighborhood was shitty..." Ishmael seems rather confused, but Faust remarks: "Slurs are not allowed on Mephistopheles, please refrain from them." She asks me another question: "Why were you at J Corp's Backstreets?" I respond quickly, but not to seem suspicious "I was doing a job for my client, is this... some kind of Syndicate or something? What is Limbus Comapany?" Faust seemingly dismisses these questions and asks instead "Do you know how you arrived at the City, for Faust does not know and would like to learn." I merely shake my head, just like all post apocalyptic adventures, I just woke up here. "Faust, why am I really here? Surely it is not over my mysterious appearance. She responds "Faust has already told you, it is because you may hold valueble information to Limbus Company. Ishmael is still warily watching our conversation, to the point of unease... she told me I should stop recording our interrogation... fine. End log

{Canto Fine}

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