rich buck

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Third person p.o.v

The buckley family. The members include two children, Evan Buckley and Maddie buckley.

Their whole childhood they lived in a nice house had nice things. When Maddie moved out after marrying the guy their parents thought was perfect they gave her a lot of money.

However when buck left they hadn't given him anything but he had sued his parents for trying to use him as spare parts for their dead son

Then the two Buckley siblings had enough money to never work ever again but neither liked that life. It's what their childhood was like. Always home always pretending to be happy and not being able to do what made them actually happy

Maddie had chimney and a child on the way to spend some of the money on but buck had only himself or so he thought tell he met Chris and eddie.

He knew he liked eddie and he loves kids so of course he loved Chris but he had never thought too much about them and his money. That was tell the day eddie told him about the skateboard incident.

Buck had talked eddie down from his mental state before telling him he could find a way for Chris to skateboard. To just talk to his son about trying things new together.

The next weekend buck had bought and built his own skateboard for Chris. It had bars to hold onto a harness to make sure he didn't fall and enough room for him to stand.

When he asked eddie and Chris to the park they were confused sure they hangout a lot but they usually meet up then go. never meeting there.

When Chris and eddie park and Chris sees buck he smiled stumbling towards him to which buck hugs him. "Hey bud" he said and got down to his level

"Your dad told me you tried skateboarding and it went badly so I got you a skateboard just for you wanna try it?"  Buck asks making Chris light up nodding.

Eddie looked at it walking around it as buck waits alongside Chris hoping for the approval. "It looks safe" he said and chris cheers.

Buck picks him up putting him on the skateboard and buckles him in Chris holding on smiling.

Buck dicided the moment he saw chris and eddie smile that this was exactly what his money was meant for. Making Chris and eddie happy. They push the boy through the park as he laughs and the two men smile at each other.

Eddie had no idea how he pulled this off but he wouldn't ask not wanting to know what crazy answer he has.

The next thing buck uses his money on is getting that coffee maker eddie had been so paranoid about during the call. Buck couldn't resist buying one and sending it to his house. Of course he had Chris call him the moment he opened the box.

It had been worth every cent just to hear the way Chris laughed and eddie grumbles.

After that it was after the tsunami he had felt so bad he bought Chris new glassed even though his was fine.. he bought new crutches and shoes, clothes, everything. He wanted to help him get through it, he took him to build a bear where they got ones with eachothers voice in it then got eddie one with both of their voices in it..

The next was the lawsuit. Eddie had said something about getting locked up at the store. After talking to basko he found out that he had infact been arrested.  He had felt so bad he bought eddie a new truck and told him it was a sorry present.

After that eddie started to get suspicious.  Buck spent so much money on dinners and gifts that he would have to take up more shifts but he didn't. Then there was the fact buck gave up millions of dollars without a second thought during the lawsuit.

Eddie was determined to find out just how much money buck had. He figured his sister would be the right person to ask and he was right.

The next day he went over to Maddie and chimney's house. She answered the door quickly since nobody else was home. "Eddie hi come in" she said and he nodded coming in

"Thank you." He said and sat down with her "you said you had a question about buck. Is he alright?" She asked and he nods.

"He is fine but umm. He has been getting me and Chris a lot of gifts like he just got me my dream truck that's not cheap Maddie but he hasn't picked up any extra shifts." He says confused and she laughs

Eddie looks mortified by her laughing and she tried to stop, only managing to quiet it down "Sorry I did not mean to laugh. Let me explain" she said and so she did.

Eddie listens carefully as she speaks of their childhood and how their parents were rich. "Oh" is all he says as she continues.

"When I married and moved out they gave me money but they never truly loved buck. They made him for spare parts in hopes of saving their first born son but he wasn't a match." She said and eddie frowned

He had remembered buck saying something about defective spare parts before. She continues before he could ask more questions about that she continues

"When he ran away they didn't give him a penny. However after he found a good place he sued them and I helped him. He got enough money to never work again" she said and eddie looked suprised.

At his age that's a lot of money "I too have enough but we both knew we didn't want to be like that we wanted a purpose and we found ours." She says and he nods.

So buck was rich that made since. "Wow that is kinda crazy" he said and she laughs. "You'll get used to it"

When eddie goes home he find a note on the table. He opens it and inside is keys "take a house key incase you or Chris ever needs it." He read it once then again and smiled

He loved this man. He was humble but rich and eddie could handle that.

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