Kusuo Saiki is No Longer a Psychic

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Brrrinnggg! Brrrinnggg! Brrrinnggg!

Saiki's alarm clock broke into its usual irritating ringing. Feeling groggy, he groaned, rolled over and looked at the time. 5:30 AM. Kusuo hadn't slept much the night before. Reluctantly, he lightly stepped out of his bed and placed his school uniform on. He caught a glimpse of himself in his bathroom mirror as he pulled his undershirt over his neck. His hair was messy, but that's how it always was. A light and honest smile, one that he would never let himself wear in public graced his features as he opened his bedroom door and stepped out into the hallway. The school year wasn't even close to over, but this year, something special had happened. He had lost his powers. Since that fateful day when he had destroyed that meteor, his abilities seemed to have been sealed away completely. Not that he was complaining. In fact, for once in his life, Kusuo Saiki was truly happy. That weight, that endless heavy weight that had rested upon his shoulders since the moment he was born had been taken off. Now, he was not a god, but a teenage boy like any other.

After a kiss from his loving mother, and a quick completion of his morning routine to avoid dealing with who he dubbed "The Irritating One," Saiki stepped out his front door and onto the street to begin his walk to school. Life had gained so much color for him, both figuratively and literally as he had lost his glasses. The trees, the grass, even the boring modern-industrial architecture of his hometown appeared so much more beautiful, and full of life. The air was brisk this morning, and although the weather was chilly he sensed his face flushing with warmth as he exited the gate of his home and felt the brisk breeze wash over him in cool waves. He exhaled lightly, feeling relieved as he thought about his circumstances. He no longer shut himself away in his room and read manga all day, although he still much enjoyed solitary pursuits. He had a better social life now– a better school life too, and a more enjoyable existence in general. His grades had skyrocketed since his powers were sealed, because drawing attention to himself by performing well no longer held any consequences. He could interact with people without knowing exactly what they were thinking at all times, and although it was still rather disconcerting, it was preferable. He could see people for what they were, people, not as disgusting sacks of flesh and bone. He didn't have to limit himself in strength or intelligence, because now, what did he have to hide?

But therein lay his problem. He had nothing to hide. Why he felt it was a problem, he didn't know. He was never good with emotions, nor had he put much thought into it. His whole life, he had spent every waking moment trying to be an average boy, trying to live a normal life under the radar, and now he had that, so why did he feel this way? This unrelenting emptiness now that he had achieved his lifelong goal? It wasn't a crippling feeling of sadness, but rather a light presence that always held itself over him, like a shadow that didn't belong to him which was following him around. These feelings had confounded in the past few weeks, and no matter how much time he spent stewing on them he found himself unable to resolve them.

"Oi, Aibou!"

A booming voice resounding from behind him snapped Saiki out of his pensive thoughts.

He turned around, wishing he'd left his home a bit later as Nendo waved at him with vacant eyes and waltzed in his direction. No matter how average he became, these stalkers would never leave him alone. Nendo swiftly approached at his side, with Kuboyasu in tow. The two were in the midst of a heated debate about how One Punch Man would destroy Giorno and his stand, Golden Experience Requiem from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Saiki groaned internally as Nendo seemingly began to find more interest in repeatedly punching him in the back than he did in arguing semantics with Aren.

"Oy. Oy. Oy. Oy. Oy pal. Oy. Oy."

Saiki turned around, trying to avoid letting his expression betray his annoyance with his large friend. It seemed to work, that or Nendo was too dull to notice. Maybe a bit of both.

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