Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover

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Cody *Crosstalk*: Sure you can slash me through the bone, and I know that I'm alone! But I'll fix my mistakes and travel through the unknown, If that's the case I'll fix my mistakes and travel through the unknown then the sin of wrath will finally begin the diamond in the sky I'm superior and above you I will fly.

Dawn: The antithesis of life It's such a silly thought But there's still fearsome troubles.

Dawn *Crosstalk*: Like me, in case you had forgotten You have no idea what I've prepared for you You'll get lost, you'll no longer make it through Anger hasn't been subsided But upon the darkened sky, I've glided over the white clouds. This moment forever in your nightmares, I'll be the one who stalks you Curse only made for a few The ones who didn't make it, were just like you, and soon they won't be free. Forever, you'll be Trapped in purgatory, forlong an eternity.

Cody *Crosstalk*: I'll get to find my way out
Without crimson flowing through I don't get to retreat I won't perish to the likes of you The darkened sky I'm not a slave to your games With your curse, I won't let you torture my loved ones the same A new nightmare Can't go back in time You won't forget my rhymes I can't give it all up, the stakes are just too high You have no idea what I've been through. Just a roach under my shoe You don't know what I'm capable of I'm made of love.


Dawn: Your darkest secrets, maybe hard to find.

Dawn *Crosstalk*: But you won't forget, how lies can make you blind

Cody *Crosstalk*: Broken, heartless,

Cody: I'm your knight in shining armor.

Dawn *Crosstalk*: Mortality Not a fairytale, but your last exhale. You will not prevail, your defense is frail Have no more control, once you reach your goal Maybe once I'm whole, I could have a soul Made of evil, full of lethal. Tricks up upon my sleeve Even if you start to believe That the goal you start to achieve Is not one I'll deceive I am everything but nothing Locked within the silence. In the woods, there'll be no guidance Lost within the tight stream Awaiting in your dreams.

Cody *Crosstalk*: So with every fight, slowly I'm stronger, Not a fairytale, not my last exhale, You will not prevail, your defense is frail Have no more control, once I reach my goal Maybe once your whole, you could have a soul. We've been through all of this before But now I will settle the score Your reign will not be ignored I'll get the correct ending. Can't afford to be silenced. I don't need anymore guidance Get the chance to redeem Achievements in my dreams.

The song ends as the fight comes to a stand-still. Cody tries again to reach deep inside.

Cody: Look Dawn, I don't want to hurt you. Just please come back.

Dawn just does creepy smile before lunging at Cody before a voice stops her.

???: Stand down Dawn.

Dawn obliges and Slenderman who has seems to escape the rope walks in.

Cody: What do you want Slender?

Slenderman: I just came to say....... I'm sorry, I wasn't really myself when I did what I did. I just acted out of annoyance and I should've never have put her in danger.

Cody: Are you positive I can trust you?

Slenderman: You can. I positive that as long as it's part of a job. I will never act out of annoyance ever again. You have my word.

Slenderman put his hand out but Cody doesn't accept.

Cody: No thanks, not after all the mental torture you put me through.

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