Canto 0: A Mysterious City

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A man wakes up in the middle of a street, ransacked of any valuebles, although one of his robbers left their pocket knife next to him, he has a severe headache and his back hurts. This new place is unfamiliar "How long was I out for?" says the man. He picks up the pocket knife and starts to investigate his surroundings, although his not too soft landing makes it difficult. "Hm, agh, wow, must've taken quite the fall off of my roof. I'm in utter agony right now..." he begins exploring the new city, asking some less than friendly people, of whom he had to fight, and it was not a long fight either, he injured them to the point of incapacitated and interrogated them of his surroundings... "Where am I? This place does not look familiar to me." The person explains that he is in the City, a continent with 26 countries or "Districts" even though the map only shows 25, it holds all 6 billion humans in it as the rest of the world has been taken over by disaster. "Huh... I really am in unfamiliar grounds then..." he spares the man and walks along the streets. A few weeks later, he musters up enough Ahn to purchase a flailed morningstar and low grade body armour. With this, he begins his work as a Fixer. Fixers are people who carry out various tasks, some are specific, such as the Shi Association dealing in assassination, or the Liu, dealing with crowd control, the Cinq deal with duels. Smaller associations called Workshops are run by smaller groups, they are proficient in more... specific tasks, the most complex is indivdual or small group Fixer hires called Offices. Our main character, whose name is Icarus, mainly known as the moron who flew too close to the sun in Greek legend, he is not Greek however, he is instead, French/Spanish blood, speaking French, English, and Spanish, his appearance is hazel eyes, wavy, short, brown hair, and stubble, he is 27. Icarus works in his own office, being a jack of all trades type hire.

{Canto Fine}

A Straggling Sinner in the City of Hell [Limbus Company Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now