Chapter 19: The Heroes.

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth ran up to y/n. She hugged y/n hard. "I was so scared!" She said, "I thought you or sir Meliodas would die." "Would we really go down that easy?" Y/n asked.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat. Y/n, Meliodas and Elizabeth looked to their side and saw the King who was healed up. He was accompanied by Merlin. "Your majesty!" Howzer spluttered out. "Father, you're here!" Elizabeth said and ran up to her dad. "It's so good to see you. Are you feeling any better now." Y/n and Meliodas also walked up to the King.

"Yes." The knight said. "I'm so glad!" Elizabeth said. "Hey Merlin." Y/n said. "Are you done with Bartra's treatment yet?" "I am." Merlin said. "And it's all thanks to the secret technique from the Demon Realm I'd been wanting to try." "Using the King as your guinea pig, that takes a lot of guts." Meliodas said. "All's well that ends well." Merlin said. "So, we're good. Right, Your Majesty?" The Ming just chuckled and cleared his throat nervously.

"My King!" Gilthunder said. Every knight was bowing down. "Please, Sire, we must be severely punished for what we've done. We failed you. We have strayed from our chosen path. We each discarded your plea to avoid a Holy War, turned our backs on the people who were suffering. We have lost the right to call ourselves your Holy Knights. We beg for your harshest sentence!" "Very well." The King said. "My sentence is this... From today forward, you shall not rest in your service of the kingdom." All the knights gasped in surprise.

"But Sire, Will you deny us the penance for our sin?" Howzer said. "The severity of your punishment will do nothing to ease the people's suffering, nor hawk those who have been wounded." The king said. "You are the Holy Knights of Liones. Your duty is to restore the kingdom and to preserve its people." "Sire!" All knights said.

The King then turned to Y/n and all of the sins. "Well done, Meliodas, y/n and all of the Seven Deadly Sins." The King said. "We are in your debt! Despite being blamed for the actions of others, you protected the kingdom... and most importantly, my daughter. As the King, and as a devoted father, I thank you."

"What's that big of a deal?" Meliodas said. "A normal Thursday afternoon with our luck." Y/n said and shrugged. "We are just glad to help." "She's right." Diane said. "We just did what any good friend would've done. Didn't we?"

"Elizabeth." The king said. "Your strength surpassed my expectations. As did your wisdom in finding the Seven Deadly Sins and the Vice GrandMaster. I am so proud of you, more that you could ever imagine." Elizabeth started to sob a little. "Father..." she said. "I'm not strong, 'cause if I were... I could have saved Hawk. My friend is dead because of me." "He wouldn't blame you." Y/n said and touched Elizabeth's shoulder for comfort. "Hawk knows you did everything you could." Elizabeth hugged Y/n and y/n hugged back.

Ban walked up to Hawk's dead body. "Master." He said. "I'm sorry. I know I said some nasty things to you before, like we weren't really friends. I don't regret much but, I regret that. It seems like everybody I start to care about just ends up leaving me sooner or later." "All things considered, we were really lucky." Gowther said. "The captain could have easily died, leaving us almost no chance of victory. But the loss of the Captain of Scraps Disposal had zero effect. It didn't hurt us at all." "Take that back!" Ban said and was about to attack Gowther until Merlin teleported in front of him.

"Now, hold on just a minute, Ban." Merlin said. "Get out of my way!" Ban said in anger. "Look. He meant no harm, so forgive him." Merlin said. Ban stood still for a bit before turning away. "You keep your damned mouth shut if you know what's good for you, Four Eyes!" Ban said and walked off.

"Why is he mad?" Gowther asked. "By the way, Gowther, where's that armor I gave you?" Merlin asked. "It's broken." Gowther said. "I see." Merlin said. "Then I'll get you another suit as soon as I can." Merlin said.

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