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'Y/n they need us in the pit now!',

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'Y/n they need us in the pit now!',

I heard someone yell running down the corridor, I looked up and saw it was Jackson. I nodded my head quickly giving my tablet to my intern,

'okay let's go guys and remember just stay out of the way until someone calls on you or ask you to do something',

I said as we made our way down the hallway. I reached the pit and quickly realised I could barely breathe, I pointed towards the other side of the pit,

'go stand over there',

I said to my interns not wanting them to notice or become distractions. I quickly walked over to the nurses station wondering what was happening and why I was needed. I turned around to see Jackson examining a patient as they were wheeled into trauma bay 1,

'I'll let you know when I need that consult',

Jackson said to me, I nodded my head at him. I thought my breathing had gone back to normal so I went to walk into the room but I quickly got a sharp pain in my chest. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Link, he made eye contact with me; his face quickly grew concerned. He raced over to me,

'what's going on y/n?',

He asked me, I shook my head at him walking into the trauma bay trying to work on the patient,

'nothing Link, I'm fine seriously',

I said my breathing had decreased even more, Link looked at me extremely confused before moved closer. He could eventually hear my breathing,

'y/n you can hardly breathe what's going on?!',

Link asked me, I shook my head at him as I had no idea what was going on,

'I don't know Link but something isn't right',

I said to him putting a hand on his shoulder, he nodded his head at me,

'uhh y/n's interns go and find Doctor Kim and tell him I sent you to him to find something to do',

Link said to my interns, my interns quickly scrambled and made their way to find Nico. Once my interns were out of sight I leant into Link's chest as the fact I wasn't able to breathe was affecting me. Link looked down at me and put his hand on to my chest,

'y/n what is going on?',

Link asked me extremely concerned, I shook my head at him unsure of what had come over me. Link quickly looked around to find someone or something to help me,

'let's get you in here!'.

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