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Olive was ecstatic

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Olive was ecstatic.

Today, the Conklins and the Fishers were finally coming back to Cousins. Well, the Conklins. The Fishers came into town yesterday, but Olive had spent her day with Cameron.

She decided today would be better anyway. She'd get to see all of them at once. Olive had been texting Belly all day, constantly asking her when they'd arrive.

The girl was in line at the local coffee shop. She figured since Susannah let's her stay at her home every summer, she'd buy everyone drinks. She knew all of their orders.

Olive walked out of the coffee shop with seven drinks. She had two of the coffee carriers and carefully walked towards her army green Jeep.

When she pulled up to the house she'd be staying at for the summer, she noticed Susannah and Laurels car were parked in the driveway. She quickly got out, having no arms to hold her bags since she was holding the coffees. When she got to the closed front door, Olive huffed. Making sure she had a tight grasp on the coffee holders, Olive stuck her foot out and kicked the door to knock.

Laurel was the one to open the door and when she saw Olives hands were full, she quickly grabbed one of the coffee holders to help her. "Oh my God, Ollie." Laurel laughed out, making Susannah run to the front door from the kitchen.

"Olive!" Susannah's voice echoed through the house. Olive started to giggle when she saw the blonde woman run straight towards her. Susannah took the other coffee holder out of Olive's hands and gave the girl a hug. Olive immediately returned it, making sure to be gentle so Susannah didn't drop the drinks.

When they pulled away, Susannah looked down at the girl and sighed. A small smile started to grow onto her face as she tilted her head. "You look beautiful, sweetheart." Susannah hummed.

Olive's face flushed. She was not good at receiving compliments. She muttered a small thank you to Susannah that the woman pouted at. Susannah knew Olive didn't take compliments the greatest, but she always gave them to the girl incase she ever needed to hear it and to get her more comfortable.

"The kids are out by the pool. They haven't started moving in yet so don't feel like you're falling behind or anything." Susannah said, kissing Olive's head and slightly pushing towards the door to the backyard with her free hand.

As Olive walked, she heard a splash in the water and two boys laugh. She could see Steven and Jeremiah from the glass door, but they hadn't noticed her yet. She slid opened the doors and immediately saw Belly and Conrad in the pool.

Olive groaned, making the four teens heads turn to her. "I missed the belly flop?" Olive asked.

"Olive!" Belly and Conrad cheered from the pool. Olive turned to them to say hi, but was interrupted by Jeremiah running up to her, lifting her in the air.

"Ollie!" Jeremiah yelled. Olive shrieked when she felt her feet off the ground, wrapping her arms tightly around Jeremiah so he didn't drop her.

"Move. Move! My turn!" Steven yelled, pushing Jeremiah. When Jeremiah put Olive down, Steven immediately wrapped his arms around her, picking her up just like Jeremiah had.

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