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We all got settled into our rooms and then where told we have a red carpet meet and greet tonight and are performing a dance for everyone. I was trying to find a dress I liked when my mom came in. "Hey lily... just let me know if you need anything tonight ik ur anxity has been bad lately so just let me know" her mother says "ok mom" I say before she walks out my room. I picked out a light blue dress that falls right above my knees and put it on. Chloe and Clara came into the bathroom while I was curling my hair. "Hey chlo bird" I say "hey can i do my make up in here." She asks. "Yeah ofc I think nia was gonna come in and do make up in here too." I say smiling. "Ok" Chloe says as she lifts Clara to sit on the counter. "red carpet tonight I'm so scared" chloe says. "Same I'm just hoping I stay calm and don't get bad anxiety" I say laughing a bit as I finish my last curl. "Want help on your make up?" I ask chloè. "I think I'll be ok but thanks." Chloè says smiling. Walker walks in the bathroom with a comb stuck in his hair. "Oh walker" chloè says as she sees him. "Walker sit down let me do your hair." I say laughing abit. He sits down on a chair that was in the bathroom. Clara was mumbling words to herself as I tried to help Walker with his hair. "Ok what do you want me to do to your hair?" I ask him. "I dunno" he says "ok let me just brush it lightly bc it looks good right now jsut a little tangeled." I say. "Ok" he says chloè and I talked as I did his hair and she did make up. I had already did my make up before my hair so I didn't need to do anything else to get ready. Abby had came into the bath room and looked us all up and down. "lily that dress is awful" she says before leaving. I felt tears form to my eyes as I quickly wipe them. "Chloe come here!!" Paige yells from the other room. Chloe gives me and small hug before walking out. I try not to cry bc I was still with Walker. "I-I th-think ur dres-s is really pr-pretty" Walker stutters nervously. "Thank, I need to find a new dress ig" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Can I help?" He asks. "Sure cmon." I say as me and him talk to the room where all the girls are doing make up. He sits on the foot of my bed and I sit on the floor next to my suit case. "Ok I have this" I say holding up a shorter pink dress thats loose and flowy "I like that one" Walker says. "Ok I'll put it on in a little." I say smiling. "Kids get ready where going to leave soon." Holly says walking into the room. "Ok" Nia says. Walker leaves the room so I can change and then we all leave to get on the bus.

Once we get there my mother has another conversation with me about my anxiety and if it gets bad just let Christi, chloè, or herself. But I wasn't going to tell anyone that's embarrassing.
"Oh everyone get with your family" abby says as we get off the bus. "Ok parents stay with your kids kids stay all together and go to interviews on the carpet." Abby continues. "And then we will be dancing for them later on" Abby says. "Ok!!" I answer excitedly as Walker smiled at me. His smile was rlly pretty.

"Hey lily, u sure u can do this?" Christi asks. "Yeah I think I can" I say questioning myself at this moment. "Ok well chloè knows how to help and so do me your mom and Walker so just let us know" she says. "Ok thanks Christi" I say smiling.

We all get on the carpet and where walking down the line of interviews and taking pictures with young girls. We all saw Gino in the audience and laughed about it for awhile. There was a boy around my age in the audience holding up a sign that read "lily give me your phone number please!! I wanna be with u Bc ur hot" I read the sign and felt uneasy about it. It seems like walker had read it to bc he came to walk by my side down the carpet. Chloè, brooke, and Paige where in an interview so me and Walker kept walking down the carpet with out mothers. "lilyy!!! lilyy!!!! Walker!! Walker!!" An interviewer yells after us. "Oh hello" I say as we both turn to look at her. I had tried to avoid talking to alotta interviewers because it gives me anxiety. "lilly, Walker! I have a Afew questions all the fans wanna know" she says. "Ok" Walker says. "So Walker are you gonna be in any other rescent movies or shows?" She asks I looked at her confused. "Yes I just finished filming season 1 for Percy Jackson" he says smiling. How does he sound so natural in interviews. "Ok and lily, do you have anyone in your life rn like a relationship" she asks. "Uhm n-no b-but I do hav-e lot-lots of rlly go-od friends" as I stutter of nervousness Walker looks and me and grabs my hand into his. I felt more comfterble and safe. "Ur hands say diffrent" the lady says taking notice to me and Walker holding hands. "Please, we meet this morning and we have jsut become very good friends though out the day" Walker says smiling. "Ok last question. "lily do you like dance on the show?" She asks. "I mean it's alotta fun and the girls are awesome but it has definantly caused me alotta of stress and anxiety at a young age" I answer more confidently and Walker Rubs the top of my hand with his thumb. "Ok thank you guys!!" She says before walking away.

"Ok guys let's go get ready to go on stage." Abby says a rounding up all the girls. Me and Walker start walking to where everyone else was. We look at each other then quickly let go of each others hands and smile awkwardly. The walk was short but really awkward. Once we got to the room for all the girls to change and do stage makeup Walker took Clara to sit in the family seating section. "Ok I need my oldest student to do a solo. Every one looks at brooke and me. Me and her where bother 13 so we both looked at each other "brooke u can do it" I say. "No lily ur doing just because u tried to get out of it. You will be doing the hostage that u won nationals with." Abby says. "Oh ok miss Abby" I say looking at my feet. We had done our group number then I had to get ready for my solo. "You got this lily" chloè tells me. "Thanks chlo" I say before walking onto stage in a blood stained dress. I did the dance smoothly but when we got to the back Abby was mad. "THAT WAS HORRIBLE!!! YOU JUST EMDARRISED YOUR SELF INFROUNT OF ALL OF FLORIA" Abby yells at me. I was rlly upset about Abby but I tried not to let it show.

We all got back into out dresses and got into the bus to go home. "Ur solo was really good" Walker tells me on the bus ride back to the house. "Thank..." I say quietly. "R u ok? U seem upset." He asks. My heart sank and I held in tears but they wouldn't hold. Me and walker where in the very back the bus and Chloe and Clara where beside us. I would speak or tears would fall.

I feel chloès little hand reach over and hold mine as I hold in tears. "Don't listen to her lily you did amazing" chloè says. Walker seems to understand and he sighs. "lily your solo was awesome it was really good" he says was he holds my other hand. "Thanks" I make out before tears roll down my face. Walker wipes them with the hand I'm not holding. I smile at him as chloè let's go of my hand. "Here" Walker says taking off his nice coat and puts it around my shoulders. "Thanks" I say leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"She's just some dancer"- Walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now