| Prologue |

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Six years has passed since Cream has fully grown into a pre-teen rabbit. She remained sleeping on her soft, warm bed while the sun shone at her beige-colored forehead. Her Chao friends Cheese and Chocola have woke up by the warmth of the sunlight, their eyes blinking twice. 

Suddenly, the alarm clock has rung that made Cheese and Chocola startled and spinning around in circles. Cream's ears soon twitched and her amber-colored eyes shone by the time she opens them. She gave out a yawn and a stretch to her body, and then smacks the alarm clock gently to stop it. She soon saw the reaction of Cheese and Chocola spinning but then calms down.

Cream gave out a giggle, "I guess that alarm clock really likes to yell out 'wake up' to us." She soon got up from her bed, revealing her lavender PJs. "And it's the first day of my seventh grade education! I should be getting dressed."

Cream began to open up her wardrobe and picks out her school uniform. At the kitchen, her mother Vanilla has finished making her breakfast for her and Cream. 
"Cream, my dear! Breakfast is ready!" She yelled for her.

"I'm coming!" Cream replied. She soon came downstairs with her school uniform on with Cheese and Chocola following her. She soon sat down on the chair next to the table, eating her breakfast.

"My! I guess that uniform really does give out a good look to you!" Vanilla complimented Cream, giving her a shoulder message. "I bet you'll get good grades like what happened last year."
Cream nodded, giving Vanilla a smile. 
"Thank you, mom!" Cream winked. Cheese and Chocola replied back with their 'Chao' sounds.

After that Cream finishes her breakfast, she soon packs up her lunchbox and water bottle and prepares packing up her backpack. Vanilla soon gives her a kiss on the forehead while holding the menstruation pads in her hand. 

"Don't forget these!" Vanilla said, holding up the pads and then puts them in Cream's backpack. "If you're feeling moody and you're in pain, always check. Okay?" 
Cream nodded and then smiled at Cheese and Chocola; and then heads to the door. 
"Goodbye, mother!" Cream waved before leaving.

When Cream walked outside, she felt the nice fresh air and the sun shining so perfectly throughout the park she walked through. Cheese and Chocola continued to follow her way, moving each other in circles. All that Cream could do is hum and look into the sky, seeing blue Flickies fly through the clouds peacefully. She took a grin and continued to walk to the town of Mobius.

When Cream walks into the town, stopping at the crosswalk where the pedestrian traffic lights were red, she saw Tails. Tails had glasses, a suit and was holding books under his arm. His two tails moved as he looks at Cream with a calm smile.
"Oh! Hey, Cream!" Tails waved at her. Cream waved back. "Hello, Tails!" She replied, her two Chao friends replying as well.

"So, you're in seventh grade now, right?" Tails asked her, pointing right at her. "I can sense, you can now learn how to cook now, right?"
Cream nodded, she grins more. 
"Of course! I soon knew how to cook noodles, pancakes, and even cheesy toast! Amy said I'll be the best chef so far!" Cream replied happily.

Tails' ears twitched as he heard Cream mentioning Amy's compliment to her. He soon took a sad smile.
"Uh...well...about her..." Tails scratches the back of his head, being really ashamed if he can explain the whole thing to Cream about Amy.
Cream was soon confused, she didn't realize Tails' expression after what he said. "Hm? What about Amy? Is she okay?" She asked him, Cheese and Chocola reacted the same.

Tails began to sweat, his mouth moving very nervously as he walks away from Cream a little bit away. "Well...umm...." He took a gulp, making Cream more interested about what Tails is on about. 
"Tails, it's ok. You can tell me anything about Amy, I wouldn't mind." Cream walks a little closer to Tails, giving out a warm, comforted smile.
"Uhhh...." Tails was still unsure if he can explain the thing about what happened to Amy.

Suddenly, the pedestrian traffic lights became green and made a beeping sound, which made the people go through the crosswalk. 
"Oh! Now we can go!" Cream soon walks to the crosswalk. "See you later, Tails!" She soon waved at him, Cheese and Chocola waved as well.
Tails was confused, but then smiled.

After from all the walking, Cream soon walks to the biggest high school in Mobius. She soon took a deep breath and looks at Cheese and Chocola, giving out a grin. 
"Now, just like Mother said..." Cream gave out a wink. "...We'll give it our all in this school year! And luckily, at the end, we'll get something really good!"
Cheese and Chocola smiled back, and then Cream stepped inside the school, trying to be calm and collected.

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