Chapter One- Twisted Approaches

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I pressed my hand against the cold glass and watched the rain pour down from grey clouds onto a grey road. The huge black rover was speeding and sliding through the streets, lights were flying past us and with every mile we were moving, I lost my orientation a bit more.

I brushed my hair behind my ear and slid my other hand into the pocket of my grey jumpsuit, feeling Clae moving and twisting around my fingers. Now and then she'd peak out of her cave, examining our surroundings with her green, glaring eyes, but although serpents were considered deathly masters of magic in ancient history, this little snake had no idea of our current destination either.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of a huge building made of dark stone and glass.
The door on my right opened and a man and a woman, both dressed in dark suits, hauled me out of my seat. I expected them to be way more violent, but although they ushered me through the rain quite quickly, they weren't grabbing me too harsh.

The heavy door of the building swung open when we approached it and a tall man with an edgy face and wavy brown hair greeted us. His shoulders were squared and he stood perfectly still, yet his face was slightly twitching and he studied me too closely to come off as careless. The two guards on my sides wanted to bring me further into the building, but the man shot them a short glare before standing beside me.

"I will take her over from here on." he declared and after a short moment of hesitation, the other two ducked their heads and ushered away through the hallway, their steps soon sounding weirdly hollow.

I looked up at the man and held his stare for a moment, before his lips suddenly pulled up into the weirdest crooked grin I'd ever seen. "Sorry 'bout that! The two of them take their jobs, let's say, a bit too far." He extended his hand and violently shook my arm in a greeting. "I'm Alex. Alexander Jayneck to be specific, but just Alex is fine. Glad to finally have you here!"

"Uhm...yes. Alright, I mean. Glad to be here too...I guess!" I half stammered, glancing around the huge hall we were standing in.

The entire thing looked like an edgy bell made of glass, with countless floors and stairways winding toward the sky around us. People were hurrying into every direction and the glass roof allowed me to look at the grey clouds again. The light inside of the building was cold and white, alongside with the grey world outside it created a strangely distant atmosphere.

I almost jumped at bit when Alex spoke up again because I had kind of forgotten that he was still waiting beside me.
"Not to...uhm...question your decisions, should probably change before joining us in the commanding cell." he remarked, glancing me up and down with a raised eyebrow before handing me a pile of dark clothes. My gaze quickly flew onto my body as well and I realised that the flowing, grey satin jumpsuit might seriously not be the best choice for this department.

I flashed Alex a grin that actually looked a lot less cool than I'd intended and quickly took the clothes. "Yes, you're probably right. Just...any changing rooms or something? I mean, I've no problem with doing it right here, but-" "No, no, no need for that!" Alex quickly jumped in, his blue eyes glinting when another smile crossed his rough face.

"Just over there, the fourth door onto the right. We've toilets there and you should find enough space to change in privacy. The elevators are right beside the toilets, we'll be waiting on the 20th floor for you!" he answered happily before nodding at me, turning around and stalking away.

I looked after him for one more moment before breaking from my frozen state and making my way through the hallway toward the toilets. No one even stopped me. No one questioned the strange girl inside of the central building and I moved around as if being part of the team for ages already. Having found a free cabin, I eventually locked the door behind me, closed the toilet and sat down on top of it to change.

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