"Well, thank you. But honestly, I'm fine," Meredith said again and moved to take off her jacket.

"I've been around long enough to know that when you say, 'I'm fine' it does not mean 'you're fine," she did bunny ears with her fingers, "So, spill," she patted the bed beside her.

"I hate you sometimes," Meredith tried to hide her smile.

"I'm sure I'll live," Izzy sighed dramatically, "So, what's bothering you," she pulled a pillow close to herself.

"Promise me you won't over analyse everything and make a huge deal out of it and freak out all Izzy like."

"I can't promise you that."


"Fine," she rolled her eyes.

"Derek's mother invited me to spend Thanksgiving with the Shepherd clan," she said quickly and bit down on her lip.

"WHAT!" her eyes widened.

"You promised not to freak."

"I'm sorry but when you tell me the mother of the person who called you a bitch is inviting you to Thanksgiving it's hard not to," she said in a breath.

"You didn't even take a breath, impressive."

"Thank you," she gloated, "Now, when, where, why, how?"

"Today, at the cafeteria because Derek told her mother I was his girlfriend so, she invited me."

"He what?!" Izzy loudly whispered.

"I know, I was surprised too but apparently my name was the first that popped into his mind when his mother asked him about his love life, and I mean I can't really blame him. You cannot say no to that woman."

"So, what, you agreed to pretend to be his fake girlfriend for the weekend?"

"Well, I didn't have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"His mother came up to us when we were talking and before I could say no he introduced me and at first it was only to talk to her and get her off his back but then one thing led to another and now I'm going to spend thanksgiving with them or was. I still have to tell him no," she sighed.

"Let me get this straight. You were supposed to be a fake girlfriend for that hour his mother was visiting but then Mommy Derek invited you to Thanksgiving and you said yes."

"Well, it's impossible to tell her no. She has those Mommy eyes. I never experienced the Mommy eyes, so I don't know how to say no to them."

"And your answer was to go to Thanksgiving with the man who has been giving you crap these past two months."

"If you phrase it like that, it sounds bad."

"It sounds bad however you phrase it."

"I know," Meredith sighed, "This is where you tell me what to do," she turned to her.


"Yes, you. You were the one who forced the information out of me now talk," she demanded.

"Bossy," Izzy straightened up.


"Okay, I mean, I think you should go," she shrugged.

"Yeah, that's wha- wait what?" she turned to her abruptly, "You think I should go to the place where I'm going to get killed?" she shrieked.

"You're not getting killed."

"I wouldn't be so sure."

"What you did was stupid, probably idiotic," Meredith agreed with a shrug, "But two days away from college can't be that bad. There's free food and drinks and a very warm bed."

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