Chapter 2

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I talked with Hermes for a while. He told me about what to expect from the mortals. He told me just to go with it. There were a lot of them that would try to pick on me, because I was a female. He then gave me a knife. He told me that it had a poison that would heal the wound, but at the samme time it would paralize the human that was attacking me.

"So if people see us, what is our relation?" I ask him. He knew that I would be looking for my other half.

"Well, let's say that we are cousins. That's not actually lying." He told me. We didn't look anything a like. We are both tall, but other then that, there is no other similarities. He has blonde hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. Meanwhile, I have pale skin, green eyes, and red hair.

"I think it might work. So, when I get more information and my stuff, I will call you." I tell him. He gives me a hug and leaves me. I went to find Hades and Persephone. Hades was sitting with Cerabus on a bench.

"Father, do you know anymore about what I am doing?" I ask him. He just looks up at me with loving eyes. I sit next to him and Cerabus licks my face.

"Casey, I will explain what you are going to be doing. You will just be there, making sure that the demons do not cause too much trouble. You will have a couple of assistants that will help you. Just watch for the shadows. I know that Cronus still has followers and they will try to hurt you." Hades told me. I have always been really close to him.

"Are you telling me that things lurk in the shadows on Earth?" I asked him just to clarify. He nodded.

"What will I be able to do to protect myself from them?" I am getting pretty concerned if these things are out to kill me.

"You will have powers. I feel best when I am in the dark. But when I could also kill someone with one touch." He explained to me.

"So what are mine?" He gets off of the bench and walks over to Zeus. I followed him just in case if something happened. Those two don't really get along.

"Zeus! What can Casey do? What are her powers?" He demanded from him. Zeus walked over to us.

"Casey will be able teleport like us. She will also be able to call upon other ghosts. For instance, if she is being attacked, a soldier will come and protect her. She will also be able to kill or heal with her hands. You will still be able to touch people, but when you want to kill or heal a person, it will happen." He told us. So basically I am able to kill people but at the same time I am able to heal. That's pretty cool. Poseidon then came over with a small shark in his hands.

"Kill this with your power." He said as he set it on the ground before me. I exhaled and stood infront of it. I morphed into my god form and put my right hand before me. I thought about how I wanted it dead. I thought about stabbing it. There was a stream of black powder that came out of my hand. Then the shark started to bleed from it's stomach. There were multiple stab wounds. I looked at Zeus and he nodded.

"Now try to heal it." He told me in a fatherly voice. It was strange to hear that, because he never spoke like that to me. I thought about how I wanted the wounds to close. I thought about how I wanted it to swim in the ocean again. A stream of yellow then came out of my left hand and to the shark. So my right hand kills and my left hand heals. That is good to know. The shark was healed and Poseidon picked it and made it disappear in his hands. 

"That was so cool!" I stated as I weent over to hug Zeus. He was surprised, but he hugged me back. I broke the hug and turned back into my human form.

"One more question then I will stop asking." I told Zeus. He just smiled. He knew that I would never stop asking questions.

"Can humans see my god form?" I knew that there were tons of examples of humans seeing Poseidon, aka mermaids. I saw Zeus sigh.

"Yes, that is why you have to be very careful. You may have to be as careful as my brother. Because you don't exactly look like a mutated human." He explained. Okay, well at least when I find my half he will ba bale to see me.

"Casey, we better get going. Cerabus wants to go home and I have to go and tend to some of spirits." Hades said. I looked at everyone one more time. They were all so beautiful and I was death. I now know how my dad feels. He is seen as the Grim Reaper, but still there is a silent differrence between us and the rest of the gods.

Persephone and I went to my room as soon as we arrived in the underworld. I sat down on my bed. I saw that the flowers that are on my nightstand, wilted. They did that when dad went near them too. My mother came and fixed them.

"Mom, why do I feel like this isn't good?" I ask her. She sat down on the bed and grabbed my hand.

"Casey, this is you now. Don't ever think that this isn't right. Just go on Earth and do your job, find that man, and come back here so that I can meet him." She told me. I just wanted to cry. I ended up turning right there. My mother was leaning up against my lower back when I  formed.

"MOM! You are on my tail!" I told her. She got up pretty quickly and started to laugh.

"Oh Casey, I am so sorry! I was just looking at your cute little ears!" She said. She then started to turn into her god form. Her skin turned green and her hair turned purple.

"It's okay. I better start packing. Zeus said that he would have a place for me to stay and asistants to help me." I told her. She left the room and shut the door behind her. I walked over to my closet and found a bag. I started to put the clothes that would suit my job. I didn't like the floral prints anyway. I walked to my dresser and packed my jewelery. I saw the little flower necklace that my mother gave to me when I turned 400. I put it around my neck.

I remembered the knife that Hermes gave me.I unsheathed it and saw that it was jagged and had a gold blade. it was a nice weight. I saw that it had a strap around the cover. I place the knife back in and wrapped it around my leg. I took my bag full of clothes to our living room. Cerabus was not happy that I was leaving.

"Casey, I have some information to give you. You have been above ground, so you know that it is different there." Hades told me. I nodded.

"Well, I have some information that people will ask of you. Here is an account that has money. All that you do is, swipe this plastic card and write your signature where they tell you. Oh, and when they ask, debit or credit, answer with debit. Then there is your apartment. It only has one room, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a porch for you sit and look at people. Zeus sent the keys and the address to me." Hades handed me the plastic card and the keys with paper.

"How will I get places? Do I just teleport?" I asked him. I knew that Earth has cars, but they scare me.

"Hermes will help you with that when we see him. Now, let's get going. I will take you to London." He said as he walked back to the front of the house. I picked up my bag and followed him. We took the boat to the front of the underworld. We got back in the closet and he said the Greek words again. Before I knew it, we were in a clock tower.

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