" You motherf**k !" Quackity yelled . All the feathers went to him. George summon the shield to block but he was get threw away from Karl. Karl swing his showed to block all the feathers. Karl then threw the sword at Quackity. He caught the sword. But once Quackity looked at Karl , there was no one. Karl was behind him as he tried to break his neck.

But Dream used the string to wrap around Karl. " Let me go !" Karl yelled. " Sorry honey but no one can do that " Dream said. " I can't believe that this might actually happening right now..." Sapnap sighed. Dream noticed that his word was full of fear and terrify.

Dream sighed.

Quackity glared at Karl who was wrap around by string. " Tch " Karl scoffed. " This moth-" but something knocked him off. Quackity was fall down. Sapnap looked at Quackity then slowly at George. " Sorry but just need him to faint... I guess " George said.

Sapnap sat down. He put his knee next to his chest. His head was on the knee now.

" I know it hard to accept it but..." George tried not to finish the sentence. " I know..." Sapnap said in sad tone. Dream gave him the disappointed sign.

But something just happened. Karl was slowly faint. But it was nothing that made him fainted. It was not the string nor the magic. All he was did was faint. Dream turned at Karl . Dream's eyes widen.

" S**t !" Dream yelled. " Karl fainted again" Dream yelled again.

The two men looked at them. Sapnap was the first one that ran towards to him. " What's happening?" Sapnap asked. " I don't know but he was suddenly fainted without a reason. " Dream answered.

The three men looked at Karl .


" What do you need ?" The woman 1 asked.

" I need you to make him remember again " Karl said. The woman 1 smiled at his response. " Oh my ..."

The woman 2 looked at her friend. She rolled her eyes. " Why am I here ? I mean I should just go home and you know play my phone " she said. Her friend looked at her then said " ok then bye "

The portal came out from woman 2 behind. She nodded her head to represent good bye. The she went in as she fall into it.

" So let us in our business, shall we ?" The woman 2 smiled creepy which made Karl flinched at her smile.


HD pov :

' He was really erase himself , huh ? ' I sighed. " I wonder .... How is he ?" I asked myself without know any answers. I sighed.

" Why do I need to care about him ?" I asked myself. " He is the reason that I am like this !"...

" But... I can't... Why I can't angry at him " I said to myself.

" I hope that jerk is fine " I scoffed.


XD pov:

I sneezed.

" Huh ? Did somebody talk about me ?" I asked. All the bobs looked at me. They then began to crawl at me. I sighed.

I suddenly noticed one of them. It was someone favorite. I picked it up. The bob turned to me. I smiled as I looked at it. It reminded me of him. He even wrote the letter at it to remind me . I smiled.

" I really wonder how is he right now ?" I asked him. The bob looked confuse. I laughed at it.


" I missed you , my love / jerk " XD and HD said.

( Noticed: XD and HD were both wear mask that have letter ' XD ' or ' HD ' to it. They didn't take off their mask)


" But don't you know that... It was his effect ?" The woman asked. " I know but... I can't let him suffer like I did " he said.

" Ohh I see ... So you don't want him to suffer like that ? Original Karl ?" The woman smiled. O! Karl sighed. " But-" ." No but " O! Karl cut the woman. " Why should I ?" The woman asked. " Because you are the ¡¿¿?¶§≈] here " O! Karl said

The woman laughed. " Ok fine... I don't want you to be sad since you are my favorite one " she laughed. " But what about his effect ?" She asked. " I will take his effect " O! Karl said.

" You sure ?" She asked again.

He nodded his head.

" Well then ... I am sorry for doing this " she bowed down as she apologies. She snapped her finger as O! Karl's eyes turned into yellow. " I warn you about this , aren't I ?" The woman said.

" I will take it. Since , I ... I already experience those memories thing " O! Karl said.

" Ok then..."


Karl slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was George who seemed to be scared ?

" George... What is going on ?" Karl asked.

George's eyes widen " you remember me ?!' George went in for a hug. " What do you mean by that ?" Karl was confuse. He then noticed that Sapnap, Quackity and Dream was at George's back.

" Umm hello ?" Karl said.

" Hello Karl " Dream said. " How are you feeling?" Sapnap asked. Quackity was remain silent after he knew that something was wrong between them.

" I am fine... I think you guy are really acting so weird " Karl said .

" What do you mean by that ?" Dream asked. " Well you guy are so silent than before " Karl answered.

" And also Quackity... He seemed to be so quiet " Karl said awkwardly. George let go of the hug.

Quackity's eye light up as he noticed that Karl said his name.

'' you remember my name ?" Quackity asked. Karl nodded his head.

" What is wrong with them , Dream and Sapnap?" Karl asked. Quackity then jumped on him as he gave him a hug. " I'm glad that you still remember me " he smiled

His action caused Karl dumbfound.

' what is going on ?'


Yahoo ! I finally finished this chapter!! And also I want to write C! Karl ( canon karl ) but I change it into O! Karl ( original Karl ) because I think C! Karl didn't react like that so I decided to change it.

Hope you like it.

Sorry if I have a mistake

Don't forget to eat and drink

Good morning
Good afternoon
Or good night to everyone

1605 words

another world ( karlnapity , dreamnotfound )Where stories live. Discover now