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"argh~" Naruto moans as I slip my hand down his back and into his pants.

His pants were stretchable so it was easy to do my thing. I press my finger to his ass causing his to moan. He opened his eyes and looked straight into mine.

I slip my finger into Naruto's ass and Naruto moans looking me in the eyes. It was fucking hot..

Naruto shut his eyes and moaned as I started to move my finger around. "Open your eyes Naruto." I said frowning.

Naruto opened his eyes as he was told and looked at me. As he did this, I added another finger.

Naruto shut his eyes and threw his head back moaning. I started to thrust my fingers inside of him. "Look me in the eyes." Naruto opened his eyes and looked at me.

He opened his mouth and moaned while looking into my eyes. I was turned on by this. I had too stretch Naruto's ass if I was going to fuck him.


"Naruto can I fuck you?" I ask kissing his chin. Naruto smirks as he leans down. "You can do what ever you want to me, my body's all yours." The amount of lust in his voice turned me on even more. My eyes went wide as I froze.

Suddenly something warm came down my face, under my nose specifically. Naruto's eyes widen as he backed away. I put my hand up and wipe it.

I look at my hand and notice, I was having a fucking nose bleed. "NARUTO YOU GAVE ME A FUCKING NOSE BLEED!" I yell gently pushing him off me, as I make my way to the bathroom.

"HOW IS THAT MY FAULT!" Naruto yells getting up and running after me.

I glare at him as I start wiping my nose, "Because you're too fucking hot." I said, my voice low with anger.

Naruto got silent as he looked at me shocked. But then started laughing at me. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" He yelled laughing.

I turned my head and glared at him, "Not funny, if I loose too much blood, I could go hungry, which means more killing innocent people." Naruto looked at me shocked, then glared at me.

"then drink my-" before naruto finished, I Interrupted him knowing what he was going to say. "No." I said shaking my head and walking back to the bedroom.

Naruto whined, as he followed me to the bed. "Its late Naruto, you should sleep." I said smiling.

Naruto looked at me and rolled his eyes as he laid in bed. He turned his back to me angrily. I raise my brow in confusion.

Sometimes I wonder if Naruto really is a boy, I mean he some times acts like a girl on her period. "Naruto? What's wrong, did I upset you?" I ask putting my hands down next to Naruto on the bed.

I leaned in getting a better look of him, but Naruto turns around and looks at me. For some reason I got the feeling that he really wanted to slap me. So I backed up.

"Sasuke, why don't you drink my blood? I fills you up more and it doesn't kill IV there people!" Naruto asked sitting up, causing our faces to be inches apart.

I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. "Naruto your not immortal. Some day, I might drink the blood right out of you."

"omg for fucks sake sasuke you don't know if I'm immortal or not!" Naruto said crossing his arms over his chest. I raise my brow in confusion, "What do you mean? Only gods are immortal. And unless your the nine tailed god, your not immortal."

Let me explain. Gods, humans, and vampires attack all existence in this world. Gods protected the humans from vampires while the vampires try to eat the humans. The history with vampires and humans were never good. But the history with vampires and gods, was good. That was until all ten gods decided to protect humans from vampires. Their reason was beg cause the humans were going extinct. And the gods couldn't have that, but when the vampires heard this, they were furious. War a rose among everyone. But the gods won, causing multiple vampires to die. Sense the gods won, every god decided to each protect one country, because there were ten country's and ten gods.

Now About the vampires, there can only be one three-eyed vampire, when there used to be 7. Three-eyed vampires are the strongest, and are the closest things to the gods level of strength. There are also one-eyed and two-eyed. But three-eyed vampires are highly respected by the other vampires. They are treated like vampire gods.

The god that protects the Konoha Country is the nine tailed god. The reason for such a powerful god, is because it is the second largest country. The gods are hidden from humans and vampires, but are still watching very closely. There have been story's that say that people saw the nine tailed god. And all the reports are the same.

They state that the god has he, golden blond hair, Ocean like eyes, and whiskers. He can be seen wearing a white and gold outfit. Many people state that the outfit is very hot, sexy, cool. The god can be seen with nine tails and ears. some say wolf some say fox, other say cat. No one really knows what animal the gods are, but they are alk different.

Back to Sasuke and Naruto.

Naruto rolls his eyes, "yea ok whatever but still- OMG I forgot to tell you that I'm going to my friends house tomorrow." Naruto said sweat dropping.

I narrow my eyes, "No, your staying with me." I said furrowing my brows. Naruto glares at me, "No, I will already promised and I hung out with you all day. And ill only be gone for a week-"

My eyes widen as I lean back in shock. "NO! You kidding me?!" I yell throwing my hands in the air. Naruto sweat drops. "I'm sorry but he lives far away." Naruto said quietly.



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