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The weekend wasn't the best I wasn't feeling that well but I didn't want that to ruin the mood for everyone.

But Gracie is at my dads while we sort out my old house as I haven't been there in a while, Ben also offered to help us as he's not that busy.

I saw Ben's bright yellow car pull up, "babe Ben is here" Lando shouted to me, still no one know about Lando and I.

"Yeah I'll be back in a minute" I said as he was packing some of my stuff as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You alright Ben?" I asked as he got out of his car.

"Yeah I'm fine but you forgot something at mine yesterday" he said while smiling. "What did I forget?" I asked him confused.

I held up a pregnancy test that i toke at his, "oh fuck yeah" I said while forcing a smile.

"Is it Lando's?" He asked me, I looked at him while smiling, "uhh yeah put I haven't told him and I think it's a bit early for us" I said while looking at the floor.

Ben hugged me not saying anything, "we haven't known each other that long and now I'm pregnant with his kid and we haven't been officially for a week and Matt trying to be a father to Gracie it's all to much" I said to him.

"Wow Em you need to calm down okay this isn't good I'm pretty sure Lando will be happy and if he's not then I will not be happy with him" he said while hugging me, "okay what do you need help with" he asked me confused.

"Yeah about that Gracie and I are moving in with Lando" I said nervous, "where?" He asked me, "Monaco" I told him.

"Your leaving me I'm going to have mase round more now" he said jokingly.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said back jokingly, we both walked in I hid the pregnancy test in my bag when he we got to the house.

"Babe Matt is calling you!" Lando said while walking through to you, "alright mate?" He said to Ben while they did a manly hug.

I toke my phone from him confused, "hello?" I said, "Em hi" he said to me.

I walked outside, "everything okay?" I asked him, "uh yeah didn't want to message cause I didn't think you want to read the whole thing" he said while laughing.

"What is it?" I asked him politely, "I'm going into rehab so I can be a father to Gracie, I'll be going in tomorrow morning for a couple months and they want me to someone as a main contact so could I put you down?" He asked me, "I know you moved on with Lando and I'm happy for you but that's not the reason I want you to be my main contact it's just that my parents don't think me going into rehab is a good idea" he said to me.

"Yeah of course I'm happy that your doing this" I said to him.

"You are?" He said to me.

"Yeah I am, oh i know your not going to like me saying this but when you get out I want your mum and dad actually to be good grandparents to Gracie" I said to him.

"Yeah I hope they will be" he said to me.

"Oh by the way I'm moving to Monaco with Lando" I said to him nervously.

"Really?" He said happily.

"Yeah I hope that's okay, you just let me know when your out and you can see Gracie" I said to him.

"Yeah I'm happy for you and thank you" he said to me, "please do your best and be a good person I know you can" I said to him before I ended the call.

I walked back into the house, "what did he need?" Lando asked me.

"He just wanted to tell me that he's going into rehab and he wants to be a good dad to Gracie and he said that I'm his main contact to call if anything happens" I said nervous, lando looked at me, "really, your the main contact?" He asked me.

I walked to him and placed my finger on his finger, "let me finish" I said to me, "he put me because his parents aren't very happy about the idea" I said to me while smiling.

"Okay well we are nearly done and then we can go back" he said while kissing me.

"You two get a room why don't you" he said jokingly, I put my middle finger up back at him.

"I also need to go out later" I said to him, "but you have to stay home" I added on, "what why?" He asked me.

"It's a surprise" I said while smiling.

Skip to later

I was on my way to town to pick some stuff up, "dad?" I asked him through the phone.

"Yeah Em?" He said to me.

"I'm on my way to get Gracie and I need to talk to you when I get there" I said to him.

"I'll see you then" he said to me nervously.

After I ended the call I pulled up to my dads I started to walk to the door and saw Gracie running out, "mummy!!" She said to me.

"Hey baby" I said while picking her up, "where's lan?" She asked me.

"He's back to his I have to pick up something for him and it's a surprise" I told her.

"What did you need to talk about?" My dad asked me.

"Well there is two things" I said to him, "Matt he's going into rehab" I said to him.

"That's good news" he said to me happy, "and the other thing?" He asked me.

"I'm pregnant" i told him, his eyes widen.

"Wait really?" He asked me, I nodded my head while tearing up, "what's wrong?" He asked me.

"It's just that we haven't known each that long and now I'm pregnant with his baby" I said while hugging him.


Wasn't supposed to go to work tonight but taking on a extra shift✌🏼

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Wasn't supposed to go to work tonight but taking on a extra shift✌🏼

Hope you enjoyed it!!
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Oop Emily pregnant🫣, who will Lando react??
Matt going into rehab to be a better dad to Gracie!!

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