16: Should It Be A One Way Street

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Chapter 16: Should It Be A One Way Street

Vance POV (Zayn's body)

I sat down the bed, resting my neck on the headboard. Finn let Harry and I use the guest rooms for tonight as we needed to go to the lakeside early in the morning.

We will be accompanying the wedding planners for the reception venue and help plan the design, as Ben said earlier this night that he needed our professional insights as a fine arts design student for the paintings that hangs on the walls of their resthouse.

I am sure to bring 'Vance' of course because I don't have much experience to field works like this.

My mind drifted to what Aunt Laura said, could it be that love is the solution to my situation? I haven't talked to her when Finn, Harry and I came back but she did nod at me when she is to go home, assuring me that everything will be in its rightful place at the right time.

I took my phone and clicked 'Vance', not liking the feeling of this confusing situation.


To: Vance
Fr: Zayn

Are you still awake? Can I call you?


I waited for a response which came for a couple of minutes.


To: Zayn
Fr: Vance

What is it?

I called her instantly and she picked up after just a ring.

"What?" she answered.

"Do you answer calls with a what all the time?" I asked.

"Not really. What happened?" she calmly uttered.

"I met Cora-"

"Oh that Cora. She lost his husband 5 years ago, did she do anything to you?" she sounded caring.

"How sad, she didn't told me. Her daughter likes you a lot by the way" I chuckled.

"Wait, I'd just go out, Paige and Kasey are sleeping" she said and I heard some shuffling.

Right Kasey and Finn called thir relationship (whatever they call it) off. Until Finn gets his hand out of that engagement then Kasey won't be there warming his bed. I agree with Kase but it sounds better if she didn't use the bed word and something along the lines of "she won't be there to care for him when he's engaged with Katrina Strotolevelia - whatever her surname is"

"Are you out now? The lobby has seats, you can stay there" I suggested.

"No I need air" she responded bluntly.

I thinned a smile, "Finn's Aunt Laura is a beauty"

"She is, she is. It doesn't look like Laura is older than Cora but their age gap is eight years. Maybe because Laura is single, people with kids age more faster" she chuckled.

"Wow it is. But she is different..." I trailed, not knowing how to say these things.

"Different? Like a vampire or werewolf? Don't lie to me Edward" 'Vance' giggled.

"I mean, is she a paranormal expert or something along those lines?" I creased my forehead.

"What did she say?" she suddenly became serious.

I sighed and started, "She know I'm not Zayn... I told her my name"

"I'm at your dorm now wait for me"

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