Brothers & Tragedy!

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It has been 3 years since Izuku was reincarnated in this new world of sea and pirates, and he has learned quite a lot during that time.

The first thing he learned was the fact that his grandpa was a good, loving man, but... when it came to training, he would literally turn into a fucking demon lord. And do you want to know how harsh his training methods are? Let's just say that he makes Aizawa's training routine look like child's play.

Grap's training methods were as bizarre as the man himself. Sometimes he would just have him do endurance training like long-distance running, swimming, and climbing hills until he dropped from exhaustion. Other times, he would simply leave him in front of a group of monkeys and expect him to fend for himself. There were occasions when he'd throw rocks at him and ask him to dodge them, and then there were instances when he'd abandon him in a deep forest, forcing him to find his way back home on his own. And all of this happened during the first year of the training.

As Izuku's age increased, so did the difficulty of his training sessions. Once, monkeys were replaced by fierce predators, the forest transformed into treacherous valleys, and the rocks became larger and more daunting. Every time Garp visited him, he would bring a new kind of hellish training session with him. To Izuku's credit, he managed to overcome a plethora of challenges. Though he faced some close calls every few months, he never gave up and persisted with unwavering determination.

The main reason for that was that he could literally see the difference between his current self and his eight-year-old self from his previous life. It was hard not to notice when he effortlessly dodged a black panther's claw and retaliated with a powerful punch to the deadly predator's jaw. In all honesty, he felt like he could easily take on his 16-year-old self from his previous life.

Besides his rigorous training, Izuku was also avidly learning about this new world by reading books and newspapers. On weekends, in addition to spending time with Makino, he would devote his entire day to sitting near the bar, attentively listening to people's conversations about the events unfolding across the world. Although many of the things he heard from the mouths of drunkards were mere rumors and exaggerations, it was still enjoyable to listen to these stories.

Another fascinating discovery for Izuku was the fact that the Old Mayor had an extensive collection of books in his house. To his surprise, the Old Mayor was genuinely delighted to show it to him, stating, "I never thought that Mr.Garp could raise a decent child who would be interested in learning anything from books."

Living with the Dadan Family wasn't as bad as he initially thought. Though they might come across as a little aggressive, they are good people nonetheless, especially Dadan. She likes to act tough around everyone, but beneath that exterior, she is really sweet and kind.

And then there was Ace, the boy who he feared would become the bane of his existence and the second coming of pre Provisional License Exam Kacchan, but surprisingly none of that happened.

After their first meeting three years ago, Ace and Izuku didn't interact much. Generally, Ace would leave the house in the morning and return at night, sometimes with a hunt, sometimes without. Meanwhile, Izuku would usually train around the house with Dadan or spend his time reading in one corner of the house. The important detail here was that neither Izuku nor Ace bothered to interfere with each other's lives, and they refrained from antagonizing one another, which had a positive effect on their relationship. By halfway through his first year there, Ace had already stopped glaring at him, which Izuku considered a huge win in his eyes.

This lasted until a year ago when, one day, Ace himself initiated contact and asked what he was reading. It happened when Dadan and the others had gone to town for shopping, leaving Ace and Izuku to watch over the house. And that was just the start of the friendship between the two boys.

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