The Portrait That Never Seen

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He chuckled, giving her a playful salute. "Deal!"

They snuck through the castle corridors, tiptoeing quietly to avoid drawing any attention. Sirius led the way, skillfully navigating the hidden passages that only the Marauders seemed to know. They bypassed a painting of a sleeping knight and stepped through a seemingly solid wall, which, much to Amelia's amazement, opened up to reveal a hidden passage.

The passage was dimly lit, and the air was cool and damp. Amelia felt a sense of excitement as they made their way through the secret path. It felt like they were embarking on a secret quest, just like the heroes they had read about in their favorite magical books.

After what seemed like a short journey, they emerged from a hidden doorway into the bustling kitchen. The house-elves, always ready to serve, greeted them with cheerful smiles and an array of delightful treats.

"Welcome, young Gryffindors! What can we get for you?" one of the house-elves asked.

Amelia looked around, her eyes lighting up at the sight of so many delicious options.

Sirius, ever the charismatic one, grinned at the house-elves. "We'd like a little bit of everything, please! Pumpkin pasties, treacle tart, chocolate frogs, and any other treats you have ready!"

The house-elves happily obliged, quickly preparing a plate filled with a variety of mouthwatering snacks. Amelia watched in awe as the small magical beings worked with incredible speed and precision.

"Thank you," Sirius said with genuine gratitude, taking the plate from the house-elf. He then turned to Amelia, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Go on, Amelia, help yourself. We have a feast before us!"

Amelia hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the abundance of food. She was shy and didn't want to appear greedy. But Sirius, always sensitive to his friends' feelings, nudged her gently.

"Don't be shy, Amelia. There's plenty for everyone. Plus, it's not every day we get to indulge in this kind of magical feast," he said with an encouraging smile.

With his encouragement, Amelia finally relented and filled her plate with a selection of treats. She couldn't help but smile as she took a bite of a pumpkin pasty; it was as delicious as she had imagined. 

 Amelia and Sirius sat together, enjoying their late-night feast in the bustling kitchen. The house-elves watched them with wide, eager eyes, observing their guests with curiosity and delight.

Sirius, ever playful, turned to the house-elves with a friendly grin. "Hey, why don't you join us? These treats are too good to pass up!"

The house-elves looked at each other, seemingly surprised by the offer. They glanced back at the plate of treats and then back at Sirius, hesitating for a moment.

Amelia noticed their hesitation and gently added, "It's okay. We would love to share these treats with you. It's a small token of our appreciation for your hospitality."

The house-elves' eyes widened in surprise and joy. Their small mouths formed grateful smiles as they hurriedly picked up some treats and started munching on them with delight.

Watching the house-elves enjoy the snacks brought a warm feeling to Amelia's heart. These magical beings, often unseen and taken for granted, were now sharing a moment of camaraderie with them. It felt like a small act of kindness that made the night even more magical.

As they sat there, enjoying the company of the house-elves, Amelia couldn't help but feel a deeper connection with Sirius. It wasn't just the excitement of their secret adventure or the shared laughter over the tasty treats; it was the way he brought joy and warmth to those around him, including the house-elves.

"Thank you for doing this, Sirius," Amelia said softly, feeling touched by his gesture. "You have a way of making even the smallest moments special."

Sirius smiled back at her, his eyes shining with genuine happiness. "I guess it's just in my nature to spread a little mischief and cheer wherever I go. But I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Amelia."

They continued chatting and laughing, sharing stories and secrets with the house-elves joining in on the fun. The kitchen, once just a place for preparing meals, had now become a space filled with joy and magic.

As the night drew to a close, and their feast came to an end, Amelia and Sirius bid farewell to the house-elves with gratitude and smiles. 

 Sirius and Amelia made their way back to the Gryffindor common room, they took a slightly different route through the castle. As they turned a corner, they were surprised to see a large portrait hanging on the wall that they had never noticed before.

The portrait depicted a striking woman with flowing golden hair and bright blue eyes. She wore an elegant gown, and her posture exuded a sense of regal grace. Her gaze seemed to follow them as they approached, and a small smile played on her lips.

Curiosity got the better of Amelia, and she stopped in front of the portrait, her eyes fixed on the mysterious woman. "Sirius, have you ever seen this portrait before? I don't remember noticing it in the castle."

Sirius squinted at the painting, trying to recall if he had seen it during his many misadventures. "No, I don't think I have. She must be a new addition to the castle's artwork."

As they stood before the portrait, the woman's smile widened, and she spoke in a melodious voice, "Welcome to Hogwarts, young Gryffindors. I am Lady Isadora Blackwood, a former Head of Gryffindor house."

Amelia and Sirius exchanged surprised glances, intrigued by the unexpected encounter with this mysterious former head. Lady Isadora seemed to radiate wisdom and elegance, and her presence gave the portrait a sense of life and personality.

"It's an honor to meet you, Lady Isadora," Amelia said respectfully, feeling a mixture of awe and curiosity. "We've never seen this portrait before. How long have you been here?"

The portrait's smile grew softer, and she replied, "I have been here for many years, though my painting was recently moved to this location. I watch over Gryffindor house, offering guidance and wisdom to the students who pass through these halls."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, a hint of mischief in his voice. "Guidance and wisdom, you say? Well, I must admit, we could always use some of that."

Lady Isadora chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Indeed, young Sirius Black. You and your friends, the Marauders, are known for your daring and mischievous spirit. But remember, mischief can lead to both joy and trouble. Choose your adventures wisely."

Amelia nodded, taking in the advice with reverence. "Thank you, Lady Isadora. We will keep your words in mind as we navigate our time at Hogwarts."

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