| Rose - Steve Harrington¹⁴ |

Start from the beginning

I followed him to this cute little house that was close to the pond.

"Whose house is this?" I asked as Steve searched for something in his jacket.

"Ours," He answered, pulling out a key and unlocking the door.

"Wait, what?"

Steve opened the door, revealing all our friends with smiles on their faces. Then, I looked around at the house and noticed the velvet green couch sitting in the middle of the living room.

"Holy shit," I said, beginning to laugh a little, and turning around to hug Steve. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm serious. This is all ours," He replied.

"I love you," I said, pulling away slightly to kiss him.

"I love you,"

I turned back to the group of friends in the living room with excitement. After I made sure to hug everyone at least three times, we went out back.

So there I was, with all my friends, my brother, and my boyfriend, gathered around the fire pit, watching the sunset glistening through the water in the large pond behind the house. This was all I had ever wanted. For once I was finally happy. And I actually managed to forget about the whole world-ending situation for a moment.

"You okay?" Steve asked, quietly.

"Yeah," I said, truthfully for the first time in a while, adding a smile for reassurance.
"I love you,"

"I love you,"

"Hey, lovebirds, how about you get the kids home so we can have some real fun?" Eddie suggested.

"Alright, children, time to go," I said, making them groan.

After the teenagers were all taken to their own homes, Jonathan, Nancy, Eddie, Mandy, Robin, Steve, and I all gathered in the backyard.

"I've never done this before," Nancy said, nervously, as Eddie lit a joint.

"Me neither," Robin added, just as nervous.

"Guys, relax, you'll be fine," I said, taking the joint from Eddie.

"Don't worry, Robs, I'll help you," Mandy said, placing her hand in Robin's, making both girls blush slightly.

"And I'll help you out, babe," Steve joked, knowing I had plenty of experience, and I laughed.

The joint was passed around the group, eventually making its way to a clueless Nancy.

"What do I do?" She asked and Jonathan smiled down at her, taking the joint from her.

"Watch what I do," He said, taking a drag.

"Wait, you smoke?" Steve asked in shock.

"Yeah," He looked over at Nancy who didn't look happy. "O-Occasionally,"

I laughed as Nancy rolled her eyes with a smile before taking the joint back. She did what Jonathan showed her and only coughed a bit. Then, it was Robin's turn. The girl nervously took the joint from Nancy and placed it in her mouth as Mandy directed her. She inhaled and exhaled before coughing a bit more than Nancy. Mandy patted her on the back and gave her her drink.

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