Chapter Sixteen : The Fake Marriage Revealed

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The next morning, In the half crowded hallway, I'm at my locker, putting my crossbody purse in my locker.

The next morning, In the half crowded hallway, I'm at my locker, putting my crossbody purse in my locker

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The intercom switches on and Jonny speaks into it. "Good morning, Monica Russo. I know what you did. You're a possessive, jealous bitch."

The intercom goes quiet for a little moment and then, my voice memo is played on the intercom.

Me and the Olson Gang and everyone looks at Monica Russo, who looks at everyone.

"You know, Violet, I finally have Jonny Zuko. And you don't." Monica told on the intercom.

"I thought Jonny proposed to you?"

"Nope, I proposed marriage to him. It was the only way I could rekindle what Jonny and I had. And now, Jonny and I are together forever." Monica said.

"So, you didn't marry Jonny for love, you just married him just to marry him?" I said, bewildered.

"How else was I supposed to keep the strong chemistry spark between Jonny and You?" Monica told me with a mischievous expression on her face. "I've had Jonny wrapped around my finger for a long while. And he doesn't even know."

"You bitch. Doing Jonny like that." I said, angry.

"He's mine, Violet. And you will never be with him." Monica told me.

And the voice memo stops on the intercom and the intercom switches off.

I look at Monica Russo and she looks at me. Jonny Zuko walks out of the school office and looks around for me.

Jonny looks at me and walks over to me. "Violet?"

I look at Jonny as I gently close my locker. He kisses me and gently pins me against a locker. I gently cups his face with my hands, embracing the passionate kiss.

Sonya, Ava and Jessy small smiles at Jonny and Me. The T-Eagles smiles.

Jonny and I gently pulls away from the kiss. And he kisses me again. He and I exchange soften looks at each other.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"Thank you, Gorgeous." Jonny Zuko thanked me with a small smile.

"You're welcome." I said to him.

Jonny and I exchange small smiles at each other and he slowly walks away.

Sonya, Ava and Jessy slowly walks up to me, smiling.

"Oh my gosh, Violet, Jonny and You are so couple-game. I knew it." Sonya said.

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