Chap 38 : Introduction

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Kelly's POV ( Still in Coma )

" Hey mom why do I have the same birthday as Keelian " Its my 8 year old birthday and I always wondered why do I share this day with my brother

" It's because your twins babe , you were born in the same day " mom explained as she was trying to prepare the cake - she usually done dad said but because she want it to be a day to remember she's doing everything herself

" why are we born in the same day- not everyone in my class have a brother born in the same day "

" Kelly not everyone is born in the same way - I got pregnant with two at the same time .. " She started to get irritated by my questions

" Okey .. " I muttered " So we're going to get the same amount of gifts ? "

" Maybe yes " She started to get angry but someone have to answer me ..

" But its not fair " of course its not " You said that I was born first even if it was by one minute but I'm older which means I get more gifts than him right Mom ? " ... " Mom ? "

" Kelly get the hell out of her right now !! or I swear you'll get nothing " she yelled and I ran outside .. " God who is she taking after " I heard her say

Zayn's POV

I've been standing in front of her room for much longer than I thought , I couldn't get my eyes away from her .. I felt like I had to protect her , I have to look after her , and be here whenever she decided to wake .. Isn't that sounds somehow weird and stupid of me , I don't know the girl ... why am I feeling all protective to her

" Zayn ? " A familiar voice get me out of whatever spell I was under

" What are you doing here ? " It was Harry and next to him a beautiful blonde , Is she Harry's new girl .. seems I need to catch up when I go out

" I was walking .. as you can see "

" Walking in here .. " he rolled his eyes in confuse

" Yes , is it a problem for you ? shouldn't I ask the same question ? " Why is he here in the first place

" I'm here with Cara " he pointed to the blondie near him , who was looking back and forth between Harry and I arguing

" Sorry didn't introduce my self I'm Cara " she stretched her hand for me to shake

" All good not on you babe , Harry should've had introduced you .. I'm Zayn "

" Yeah .." The girl shyly nods with a smile

" Harry , you were about to show me something ? " The girl turn to Harry

" Hm yeah , I just wanted to you to go to Kelly and tell her everything that you were telling me .. It will make you feel better "

" You think so ? I don't think I can do that ... " Cara have teary eyes now , I don't understand but It seems like she have someone in here , that obviously she loves so much .

" Yes trust me .. just go " Harry gives Cara an encouraging look to go there

Cara went into the room where the girl that I'm curious about is laying down lifeless

" Is she her relative ? " maybe she's her sister , They look a little bit alike

" she's her best friend , like a sister as far as I know ... "

" What happened to her ? she seems badly hurt "

" Yes She is .. She had an accident , her brother died and she lived but only to stay in a coma for two months now I guess ... " that makes my heart hurts a bit , I don't know why I have this kind of affection for a girl that I barely know a little things about her

We stood there for a long moment watching Cara looking carefully at her friend , waving her hands in front of her eyes to get the tears away as if she was actually looking at her .. To show her how strong she is for her !

" Do you think she's fine there ? " Harry muttered against the window

" I guess , she looks so desperate but she kind of wants to show that her strong for her best friend .. "

Five minutes after our little chitchat about Cara she came out " do you want to come inside ? "

" Yeah sure " Harry excitedly answered when I felt a pinch in my heart

" Zayn ? " Cara's wide blue eyes turns to me

" Come in " she happily said " if .. You.. Want to ? " She hesitantly ask at my blank expression. I nod with a smile and get inside the room , I honestly was so curious to see the girl , to know her ..

" Oh my go she will be so Happy to see you guys " Cara excitedly said looking back and forth between the girl that I still ignore her name , Harry and I

" So she likes us , I mean one direction " if she does of course it will be Harry her favorite- all the girls likes Harry

" Nah , I wished ... " Oups " I always used to annoy her with your songs and how handsome you are .. But she never wanted to go with me to your concerts"
" Well I"ll make sure that she will faint every time she see us " Harry proud of his skills confirm
" Good luck with that " Cara smirk at Harry-exactly when I feel like a third wheel in here ! There is something between those two , how they look to each other talk care ... Not stranger for sure - if they haven't confessed already they will , I was never in my whole life wrong about two lovers .. Except once my cousin and my older sister with my friend ..

After a long chitchat between Cara and Harry ... Also me , a nurse came in to get us out assuming that the passion should rest as if she was not resting, for god sake the girl is in a coma for more than two months I guess , she needs people around her all the time , to feel alive again , how would she wake up when there is no sign of life around her .
Anyway we did as she wanted and get out of the room..
" Zayn it's already late, let's go for your checkout, Louis said he"ll be waiting outside whenever we're ready " shit I forgot about that, I don't want to go right now , not today I have to come up with something

" I .. Hum , I think I will stay till tomorrow.." Harry with a furrowed forehead from confusion is looking at me " you said you're so bored and you want to go , what changed your mind ?"
" Nah , My leg is burdening me .. I don't want to be in a pain at night and have to get back here .. I'll just wait to get a checkup by the doctor tomorrow to be sure " I tried to look honest as much as I could
" You sure ? "
" Yeah really mate , I will take some pain killers tonight and I"ll meet with you tomorrow .

Harry went outside and Cara wanted to keep him company...okey !! And me , I sneaked slowly to the magical place and opened the door for my girl's room , I took a chair and sit near her bed
" You must found it weird that a stranger is sitting at your bed right now , but believe me I'm not a pervert or something like that ... I'm just interested in you .. I feel somehow attracted to you ... It does sound the same right ?? Well don't get me wrong if I say I like you in our first date, I usually don't... Yeah .... " I'm really bad at talking with girls ( I murmured to myself"
" Can we start from the beginning.. I'm Zayn Malik and you ? " I put my hand on hers as If we were shaking hands
" I'm kelly and yes you are really bad ... "

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