"You get wet from fear, I've noticed it and you like my body. It excites you, is because I'm dangerous or hot, or maybe both,"

"You're over your head,"

"Am I little bird?" he questions and I rolled my eyes before looking away.

He can't get to me.

"Yes," I said before walking around him.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into his chest. My back collided into his body and he brought his mouth down to my ear.

"One day I'll make you cry and begged. I'll teach you how to scream my name and I'll give you another reason to roll those God damn forsaken eyes at me. I'll break you then add pieces of me to make you whole again. You'll want me, you'll crave me, and you'll need me Esmeray," he whispered before releasing me.

I started unbuttoning my shirt as I walked to the bathroom

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I started unbuttoning my shirt as I walked to the bathroom. I could feel her eyes burning into my body.

Watching me like a hawk,

I took a shower and then went to the closet to get dressed. I exit the closet and Esmeray was sitting on the couch looking at the book.

"Just read one," I said before walking to the door.

I made an exit and locked the door behind me. I went downstairs and I saw Hailey in her uniform. She was having breakfast while Amelia waited on her.

I went and sat next to her and she smiles.

"Good morning Uncle Steele,"

"Good morning little gangsta," I said and she gave me a toothy grin.

"Your driver is waiting Hailey," Aaliyah said while walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning Don," Aaliyah said and gave her a nod.

"Hailey how about I bring you to school,"

"Yes," she said and I chuckled.

She placed her spoon down after finishing her cereal. I got up and grabbed her backpack.

We walked out of the house as she walked by my side. I open the door and she got into the front seat. I strapped her in her seat then got into the car.

Look I never said I was one of those responsible uncles

I'm the reckless, cool uncle and I'm not ashame.

I drove her to school and walked her to her class. Some of her teachers flirted with me and I simply ignored them.

I gave her extra cash and a hug. I left the school ground and went to one of my clubs.

Axel and Kade will come home today so I'll pick them up from the airport when they arrive.


I checked the time on my watch as I made my way to my room. I saw boxes outside the room and I picked them up, already knowing what it was.

1:23 a.m.

I was fucking tired

I entered the room and turned the lights off. I placed the boxes down and close the door. My eyes searched the room and I saw Esmeray fast asleep on the couch.

I let out a sigh while walking over to her. I took a minute and let my eyes scanned her face.

She looked.....beautiful

Drool on her face, snoring, and all, ha

I picked her up and the blanket fell from her body. I brought her to the bed and placed her down.

I pulled the duvet up to her chest and she snuggled into the bed as she tried to find warmth.

I went over to the boxes and started unboxing. After putting the shelf together I grabbed the box of books.

After I was done, I took a shower and climbed into bed.

I looked at the bookshelf as I sat down

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I looked at the bookshelf as I sat down.

Did he really-

Of course, he did.

I got and I picked up a book I had my eyes on. I sat down and I pulled my legs up on the couch.

I ended up reading until Steele came home. He didn't say anything, he just took a shower and went to bed.

He didn't even care that I pulled a gun.

He slept peacefully knowing I pulled a gun on him.

I took a shower then got back to reading.


I jumped when Steele's alarm went off. It didn't take long until he reaches over and turns it off.

He opened his eyes and turned to look next to him. When he didn't see me, his alerted eyes drifts over to the couch.

His eyes squint and he sat up. "Do you sleep at all," he asked and I shook my head.

He looked at the door then look at me. He sighs before climbing out of the bed.

He walks over to the bathroom and closes the door once he's inside. My eyes went to the clock and read 6:31 a.m.

Thirty minutes later Steele walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet.

When he exits the closet, dressed in a suit I looked back at him.

"Go to bed Esmeray. You're body and brain need to rest,"

"This book is too good," I said while looking back at the book.

I started reading and the book was snatched from my hands.


"Get your ass in bed,"

"Stop trying to boss me around," I said


He threw the book down before lifting me into his arms. He brought me to the bed and threw me down. My body bounces a few times as I stared at him.

"Get some sleep or I'll take them back," he said in a serious tone.

He placed the covers over my legs and turned the lights off. He exits and I was about to get up.

The door opens and Steele's face came into view.

"I'll take them back Esmeray,"

"Okay fine," I said before laying down.

I closed my eyes and soon sleep takes over.


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