Pt 1: Shots

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Painty's POV:
"Fucking christ... she was a screamer. I honestly feel bad for this one."
I sat down next to her body. A kettle. She looked like a mother, and I killed her. What OJ says goes though. And she didn't pay him back. I had to get out of there before anyone caught me, though they likely wouldn't care. I looked at her body one last time. She had a ring, a wedding ring. I cringed in shame.
I wished her peace on the other side and apologized to her body before leaving the scene.
"May you rest now, ma'am..."
I said under my breath. I exited the alley-way. I hated alley-ways. It's where OJ, my boss and big shot casino and hotel manager, sent me to do his dirty work. Which usually involved killing people that didn't pay off the debts they owed to him, or just shit talked him. I was Paintbrush, his fucking goon. But all I wanna do is leave this fucked up city. Everyone here is either a rich mother-fucker who doesn't deserve shit, in the mafia, or a poor soul with nothing. Speaking of, I see a pal running down the street toward me. Fan.
"Fucks sake..."
He was clearly out of breath and was running from something.
"Fan, how's Test Tube and the rug rat? Bot was it?"
I smiled.
"Forget about that, their fine. But we are all gonna be fucked if you don't tell OJ we didn't steal shit from him!"
"...did you?"
My hair sparks in rage.
"I'M SORRY! HE'S AN ASSHOLE! COME ON, HELP AN OLD FRIEND OUT! Oh! I let you join Testy and I on a heist!"
I sighed. Fan was a selfish idiot but I liked the guy. He's a buddy, a friendly face in a sea of hookers and monsters.
"I'll get him off your ass."
He suddenly hugged me, making my bristles spark.
"For Testy and the kiddo, you're dead to me."
He laughed.
"You crack me up, Painty!"
"Fuck off, Flat Face..."
He laughed as I smirked at his dumbass.
"You know, Paintbrush" He spoke, "you and I need a drink! It's on me!"
I smiled.
"After tonight? Fuck yeah. OJ won't mind if I'm late."
We began to walk to a near-by bar. As I walked I looked at all the street workers. Women, men, hustling the streets to get a pretty penny. It made me wonder...
"Hey, Fan?" I began, "What's it like to be in love?"
"In love?"
He thought for a moment.
"Well, Test Tube and I... we...'s kinda like a drug, addictive. But in most cases, it ends up being great for you. Like Testy and I... she has that perfect smile..."
"Fuck you!"
He got angry and frowned. I smirked as we continued walking. We stopped infront of the bar and smiled before entering.
"Ah, great. This is just what I need right now."
I said, sitting down at the bar.
"Ain't it? Two shots, keep em' comin!"
I smiled.
"My favorite!"
"What can I say? I know you like these streets."
I smiled as our drinks arrived.
"Cheers, Flat Face."
We clicked our glasses and shot.
"Fuck..." Fan said, "Strong ass whiskey. Hey, hon! I said keep em' cominggg!"
He shouted to the bartender.
"Don't be a prick, Fan."
"Sorry, sorry."
Two more shots came. Shot. Just as I put the glass down on the table I turned back and saw someone enter.
"Who the fuck..."
A lightbulb. She was dress clearly to impress. Must be a street worker. She sat down beside me.
"One Old Fashioned, please!"
She said.
Suddenly a group of big guys came up to her.
"Want us to pay for that, hon?"
She smiled.
"That's very kind!-"
One of the men cut her off.
"Only if you do something for... us... in return."
I knew what the jackass meant. And so did she.
"I'm sorry, boys. 50 bucks for all of you."
"You ain't worth all that."
She smiled and grabbed her drink, sipping it.
"I can't help you then, boys!"
She giggled, seemly unfazed. One of the men slammed their hand on the table.
"Pardon, bitch?"
She continued to smile. I cut in.
"Hey, fuckers. She said no. Get out of here."
She looked at me in confusion.
"Sorry, man." The word sickened me. "But we are getting what we want-"
They tried to reach for her. I wanted to help but someone else was too fast. Her. She pulled out a gun and stuck it in one of their faces, right between the eyes.
"Don't fucking try me."
The men backed away as she finished her drink. She turned to me and smiled before leaving.
Fan and I stared in shock.
"Damn, she's cray-cray!" He said.
What a woman.

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