Sweet like Honey

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-Time Skip-


Senju: Are you going to tell Mikey the news Y/n-chan?

Y/n: Yeah, I think so

Senju says goodbye to Y/n as she walks out the door.

After Senju left, Mikey came in the house seeing Y/n. She already had dinner ready as he came in.

 She already had dinner ready as he came in

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Mikey: I'm home

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Mikey: I'm home.

Y/n smiled at hearing his voice. She had good news to tell him.

Y/n: Welcome home honey, how was work?

Mikey: It was good.

They sat at the table and started eating.

Y/n: Manjiro? I have something to tell you

It sounded like she had a shaky tone in her voice.

Mikey: What is it Y/n?

Mikey looked at her. He was curious on what she was going to say.

Y/n: I'm pregnant

Mikey: You're pregnant? Are you sure?

Y/n nods.

Mikey: Did you take a pregnancy test?

Y/n: Yes, I took two of them today and they were positive

Was Mikey happy about it?

Yes, he was.

Mikey was glad that Y/n told him the news instead of just keeping it a secret from him or just keeping it to herself.

Mikey: This is good news Y/n!

Mikey says childishly as he wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist picking her up and spinning around as he holding her.

Y/n: I'm glad your happy about it

Y/n says with a smile.

Mikey: Of course I'am, this is our baby!

Mikey shouted happily.

Mikey was happy when he found out that they would be parents. He was also going to take Y/n to the doctor to make sure her and the baby were healthy and to also find out what the baby's gender would be.

Would the baby be a boy or a girl?

They had different thoughts on what the baby's gender would be. Y/n hoped that it would be a girl while Mikey was hoping that it would be a boy.

Mikey: What do you think the gender of the baby would be?

Y/n: I don't know we would have to wait and see, but I'm thinking it would be a girl

Mikey: Maybe, but I'm thinking it would be a boy.

Mikey grins.

Y/n: So, that you could teach him how to fight?

Mikey: Exactly! So that she or he could learn to defend themselves.

𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 | 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘆 X 𝗬/𝗻Where stories live. Discover now