the hang out

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Hey it's me cuties I was wanted to tell y'all that every Thursday I will be update at 3 in my time and and I made be making a second book soon but I don't know yet please give me some ideas and on to the story

Idiotic friends

Pav:hey smarty how things going we hadn't heard from you for some time now
            Y/n wsg pav and nothing much is happening I have a new roommate though

Hobie:hey luv and we heard it's a boy roommate am I right mate

Y/n yea I do have a boy roommate
And before you ask do I like him Idk yet

Both Hobie and pavitr how did she know

Y/n but how is the Spidey thing going

Pav it's good so far and it's funny hey we should meet up

Y/n sure I'm not busy

Hobie why not at the park and you can bring your boy roommate to

While y/n was texting miles had got a text of his own by his uncle saying how there is another me at his house  miles pov

Hey ma I'm going to right back I told y/n 'ok miles' while miles was walking he was putting his suit on to and while he was doing that y/n was thinking of getting ready for the hang out now back to miles

(Getting to uncle  Aaron house)
1610 miles' who are you looking shocked' miles mask opened I'm miles Morales but you can call me the prowler I told him
1610 miles' you have to let me go if you don't my dad is going to die just like my y/n did  he said wait wait wait I said laughing your y/n is died I said he looked shocked your y/n is still alive' ofc she is she might be getting ready like the linda princesa she is

Thats the thing with you "heros" you will sacrifice your love ones for the world while I would sacrifice the world for my love ones anyway it was nice talking to you I said *ping* y/n texted me saying come home and get ready' ok I had relied *turning to uncle Aaron  hey man I got to go and you can let him go he made me laugh

While miles was walking home and he had went ahead and changed and he was wondering what was going on but he didn't question it while he was thinking he had made it home and him and y/n both walked to the hang out spot

(Timeskip At the hang out spot)

Y/N pavitr said running to her 'pav she said catching him in her arms wsp hobie she said dapping up a man with who has wicks and  piercings 'wsp luv this must be your roommate I'm hobie mate and you are he asked me I'm miles it's nice to meet y'all well we got to meet your bf now luv he said y/n had started to blush but it's not that noticeable since she is black we aren't dating she said not yet ma I told her winking and having a smirk

(Timeskip after the hang out since I don't know what to do)

'It was nice to see you again y/n and it was nice to meet you miles hobie and pav both said 
And the whole time there hobie, paby and miles all been bffs like they knew each other their whole life's and they all had planed a sleepover at hobie house and they had added miles to the group chat
Its a day after y/n and miles game

On the way walking home the  silence wasn't awkward it was more so comfortable and both miles and y/n was asking their selves do I like her/him

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neighbors 42 miles x y/nNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ