Reaching Caspian

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"Didn't steal anything?" A Minotaur shouted pointing his axe at Caspian "Show me a list of things the Telmarines have stolen"

"Our homes"

"Our lands"

"Our Freedom"

"Our Villages"

"Our Lives"

"You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" Caspian asked

"Accountable and punishable" Nickabrick spoke

"That's rich coming from you dwarf" Reepicheep started "Or have you forgotten it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch"

"And I'd gladly do it again, If it would rid us of these barbarians" Nickabrick spoke

"Then it's Lucky it's not in your power to bring her back" I shouted "Or are you suggesting we go against Aslan now"

"Some of may have forgotten but us badgers remember well" Trufflehunter spoke "Narnia was never right except when a Son of Adam was King"

"Hes a Telmarine, Why would we want him as our king" Nickabrick spoke which caused shouts of approval

"Because I can help you" Caspian spoke "Beyond these woods, I am a prince, The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine, Help me claim it, And I can bring peace between us"

"It is true" Glenstorm spoke up "The time is right, I watched the skies for it is mine to watch, as it is yours to remember badger"

Glenstorm continued "Arvaa the Lord of Victory and Alambil the Lady of Peace have come together in the high heavens, Now here a son of Adam has come forth, To offer us back our freedom"

"Is this possible" A squirrel asked "Do you really think there can be peace, Do you really"

"Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, Or dwarves or Centaurs, Yet here you are, In strength and numbers we Telmarines could never have imagined" Caspian looked around at the Narnians surrounding him "Wether this horn is magical or not, It has brought us together, and together we have a chance to take back what is ours"

"If you will lead us, Then my sons and I" Glenstorm unsheathed his sword and held it high "Offer you out swords"

All the other Narnians soon had their swords high

"Miraz's army will not be far behind sire" Trufflehunter spoke

"If we are to win, We will need soldiers and weapons" Caspian said then looked at Glenstorm "I'm sure they will be here soon"
Jake PoV

We crouched down behind some cut logs watching as the Telmarines were building a bridge

A horse neighed to the side of us so we crouched down and watched as two men came past with some guards following

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all" Susan whispered

We snuck back into the forest and headed back to the river

"So where do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter asked

"I wish you would all stop trying to sound like grownups, I don't think I saw him I know I saw him" Lucy said

"I am a grownup" Trumpkin spoke quietly

"It was right over" As she was talking the ground gave way and she fell

We all immediately rushed over with Susan shouting "Lucy"

We saw where the ground gave way led to a path down which we all took before crossing the shallow river and climbing up the other side

We walked for a couple more hours before setting up camp and I went to sleep next to Susan

The next morning I noticed Lucy was gone when I woke up

I followed her tracks quietly noticing a Minotaur "Aslan" she said and I grabbed her and put my hand over her mouth gesturing to the Minotaur and letting go

I snuck forward drawing my sword when I was attacked

He swung for me which I parried before swinging my sword at his neck

He blocked it but I backhanded him and swung my sword downwards

He blocked again and went for a stab which I dodged out of the way of before disarming him I kicked him backwards and he tripped and fell hitting his back on a tree

I was about to cut of his head when I heard Lucy shout "NO STOP"

I looked at her and turned around noticing all sorts of Narnians surrounding me

When I turned around the man had his sword pointing at me

"Prince Caspian?" I asked slowly

"Yes, And who are you" He responded

"Jake" I heard Susan shout as all the others came over the hill

Caspian slowly looked at the sword I was holding

"You are Jake the Dragon Knight" He said unsure

"It's the young dragon but close enough" I started "I believe you called"

"I thought you'd be older" He said

"We can come back in a few years if you'd like" Peter said from the side

"No it's just, Your not exactly what I expected" Caspian spoke

"Neither are you" Edmund said looking at a nearby Minotaur

"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes" A badger said

"We have anxiously awaited your return my liege" A mouse said to Peter

"Oh my gosh he is so cute" Lucy whispered to Susan

"Who said that" The mouse shouted pulling out its small sword

"Sorry" Lucy said

"Oh your majesty, With the greatest respect I do believe the words, Courageous, Courteous or Chivalrous, might more befit a knight of Narnia"

"Well at least we know some of you can handle a blade" Peter said to the mouse

"Yes indeed" The mouse spoke "And I have recently put it to good use securing weapons for your army sire"

"Good, Cause we're gonna need every sword we can get" Peter spoke

While this was happening I caught a glimpse of a Girl who looked like similar to Susan except she had Black hair and Green eyes like me

I wanted to talk to her but she walked away when she saw me looking at her

The king of Tomorrow(Susan Pevensie X Male OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu